Regarding SGDQ
8 years ago
Colorado, USA

I would like to hear everyones input. As of late ive been making up silly categories for myself. like 23% and 46% (in which ill explain later.) But im thinking this could be ran at SGDQ this year, granted they get accepted. What do you guys think? Good idea or nuh?

Pennsylvania, USA

It could definitely work, but I think it would require a lot of explanation or commentary during the run to be interesting to viewers who haven't played the game or aren't as familiar with it.

Colorado, USA

regarding it, and even if it got accepted, who would wanna be doing the commentating while i run this? Would love to have a crew behind me explaining as i defuse these bombs <3

United States

Hey, I've been considering submitting this for GDQ as well. It recently got rejected for Californithon 2017 but on the condition that it would be hard to explain this game (they did recognize that players familiar with KTANE would be very interested in the speedrun gameplay). However, I find that there is a surprising amount to talk - the modules, the little time savers, the mnemonics - and a good couch would be vital. To be honest I would prefer running the game as opposed to couching, but in either case I would love to provide as much commentary as possible. (What is your PB by the way? It seems the mods haven't been active updating the leaderboards lately.)

Colorado, USA

my time is 1:08:xx. but im not wanting to run extreme%. I wanna run something of my own caliber, I call it 46%. using the double decker and double bomb mod and whatever mods i have on. to defuse it in my fastest time. Currently have done 46% mods only at 26 minutes. and 46% classic modules in 12 minutes.

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