4 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

I know nobody gives a shit about this game but can we try and make sure the milliseconds are correct upon verifying.

Western Australia, Australia

As in some rather than just submitting “44” make sure you put in “440” other wise the leaderboards look wonky. Cheers :)

Kent, England

Sorry jackal, I'm usually pretty good at correcting that (I'd say at least one in every two submissions gets that wrong). If you let me know which ones you've spotted that are incorrect then I can change them. On that subject, I'm not active in kraken at all. If you plan on remaining active and would like mod, let me know.

TheJackalRapper les gusta esto
Western Australia, Australia

No troubles at all man! I see your mod for a lot of mobile games so you’ve already got your hands pretty full and mistakes are bound to happen. The only ones I’ve seen it on are level 2 & 14 No Power Ups. Being mod would also be pretty cool, I’m not the most active either but can do my best to help out :)

Kent, England

Sorry, only just spotted your reply! It won't let me add you as mod unless you activate email authentication. If you end up activating it, dm me and I'll add you :-)

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UPDATE: Respawn Glitch is possible on IOS

As the title says, Respawn Glitch is can be done of IOS. This means that both platforms can do this glitch. The category split will still be in place but this is good news.

2 years ago
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