RNG Manipulation
6 years ago
United States

Hi! Thought I'd share what I'm currently working on, in case anyone is interested. It's still a work in progress, but I feel this is a good starting point. I'm currently on emulator with plans to transition to console. This will require a lot of testing and planning, though.

I put a lot of notes in the YT description. I won't repost them all here so as not to clutter, but I will elaborate if there are any questions.

Akneus_21 les gusta esto
United States

A brief update:

I tested on console and unfortunately it looks like this manipulation method is not reliable. The hardware counter varies a bit too much (probably b/c of Genesis bus issues). Even so, one should be able to get a decent time in Dig% if they've got a weekend to kill and they're willing to do some very monotonous grinding. The odds are apparently not that bad. I was hoping for something a bit more repeatable, but no such luck.

However, I'm not done yet. I'll need to do some more script fu to extract ALL of the relevant data. I'll link the small bit I've got so far, but there's still plenty of work and testing to be done. I should also be able to explain more of the internal game logic as things progress.


United States

Sorry for the delay, but I've been struggling to find some free time to get back to this.

Long story short: RNG manipulation is not happening. Instead, RNG seed tracking IS happening. Like, now. It's happening now!

See the Google Docs link in my previous post. It has sheets containing all the random data the game generates by seed (see sheet called "Seed Data Dump", as well as the link on the 1st sheet for Slot Data). It's comprehensive and includes all objects that may show up in each fixed slot, like relics, lairs, friendly monsters, map in chest, etc. If it can be determined definitively by the seed, I've included it. Slots are numbered according to the maps which I included in the doc as well.

I've also posted a video which demonstrates the seed tracking method in action (on console). The YT description contains explanation and notes which I hope are clear. Note, this information is relevant to all categories, not just any%. I will gladly answer any questions or elaborate as needed.

Maine, USA

quite the undertaking you took there.

leaves me to think of how to separate categories now as a true Any% is a mere seconds now.

Perhaps I should revive Relic% again for a shorter run, though even with this data, that would be a rather uninteresting run.

United States

There's definitely merit to having an All Relics category. Even if you take the RNG factor out, there still a lot to be done in the routing. I wouldn't call it "uninteresting" necessarily (maybe a matter of taste), though it changes the dynamics of the run without a doubt. There's still a lot of work left to be done for longer runs, but any% is basically dead.

United States

OK, now any% is dead. Barely put up a fight.

Louisiana, USA

How do y'all feel about a category requiring at least one relic, maybe, after the total destruction of the current any% category. Bravo!

Maine, USA

When I did Any% originally, I called it Relic%, in which all 8 relics had to be obtained. I think it can be revived as a Low%-style of play.

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