3 years ago
Illinois, USA

This post is to serve two purposes.

  1. Potentially, forum posts notify moderators, and might cause Risible to log in
  2. Asses the demand/activity of the game

Today, I notice Risible has not been active for 9 months, and when I went to make a request for new moderation I saw that PickleWickle has already made a request to gain moderator. Personally, I'd be happy with that decision. I don't think I would make for a very active mod myself, but I would also like to see a new mod. I don't feel like anyone would object to this, but it should be fair to have some level of discussion

picklewickle y santibo les gusta esto

Hi, I actually only requested mod cause there was another runner, Associatedfeetballer, that submitted a run, never got approved and messaged me about it asking if I can take over mod. Since I already have a couple of games that I'm mod of, one more wouldn't hurt. Now with that being said, if I do get mod I am not opposed to having a second mod/verifier to verify runs since I do log in once a week or so. Or just passing mod all together to someone else and just having me as a verifier.

Illinois, USA

Well, I don't know if you saw the reply on the request forum, but they denied you on the grounds that you did not have a pending run yourself.

I don't know why that entirely disqualifies you, but either way I submitted my own request to be mod then.


Yeah, I saw both the deny and your response. I just submitted a run earlier and replied back asking again for it. But I'm guessing that they will now tell me to wait 21 days, so maybe you'll get it first.

I read that most cases they require a submitted run for it but it also said that they can accept people with a run already verified so I was hoping that would have been enough to qualify but I was wrong.

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

maybe someone could be a mod, and another person could just be a verifier

CharlieCreston les gusta esto
New York City, NY, USA

maybe someone could be a mod, and another person could just be a verifier

United States

I know that I have searched around for how I could apply for moderator or verifier and I would love any of these positions. I just do not know the first place to start to acquire this role. Would anyone be able to assist me in this.

New Mexico, USA

I know this is way beyond too late, but I’m really sorry for making you guys go through the appeal process for a new mod and all of that. My personal issues weren’t an excuse to let this go a long as it did without proper moderation. I should have thought of a replacement before my absence. You guys are doing a great job and I’m sorry for any grief I caused in my absence. This isn’t an appeal to become a moderator again, I just wanted to apologize to and thank those who cared enough about this game to keep it from stagnating.

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
United States

Yo happy to have you back no problem

Gaming_64 les gusta esto
Raleigh, NC, USA

yo ris wassup. you seen the new stuff we have now? I'ts crazy! you're welcome to join the discord as well anytime if you'd like. ;)

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
New York, USA

I'm bringing attention to this forum again. I've been waiting 3 weeks for my run to be accepted/rejected.

CharlieCreston les gusta esto
Raleigh, NC, USA

yeah same. I have a pending second place rn.

United States

Bringing attention to this again as I have a run submitted back in October for first place glitched normal that has not been verified yet and I'm sure other people have runs older than mine backed up because the last runs were over a month ago.

Editado por el autor 1 year ago