Any tutorials?
United States

Hey, I've been learning this speedrun and found theres not much in terms of tutorials or explanation of strats. Was curious if I'm missing a video out there that can be helpful in some spots. For example, I can't figure out what the bird manip is in the first level, some people seems to pause for a short time then always end up on the left side. I cannot quite figure out how to do that consistently, so any advice on that spot (and a few others) would be greatly appreciated.

Trickatine y vinzchillin les gusta esto

yeah even a quick run through guide would be cool


Yes, I’ve been thinking of this myself. I could do the guide if I could get all the known glitches.

The bird manip I don’t understand yet. Also the skip when you get the whole ironsword.


We need jam to come out from the depths and explain everything

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