I know frame-rate on emulator and the like can make the time stuff faster or slower depending on FPS.
Is this the case for regular PSP as well? I usually play on PSP + iso of the game for faster load-times in Time Attack.
Last time I used the UMD in my run, at Takumi on Akina I was +3:00 Three full minutes behind my PB which is ridiculous.
So I made this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MABSCUP3UXzaVfTYlMvJ8T-E6A42SFEnQqd9Q8uv5gI/edit?usp=sharing
A sheet you could copy and fill-in the times for, perhaps? Though it's more segmented which I personally don't like, it's more accurate for sure..
Way it could work is in the Menu on the Google doc Click File and Make a copy, for your own use, I'd guess?
Maybe fill it in áfter your full-game runs?
What's you guy's opinion on it?