10 Wins Category
3 years ago
Virginia, USA

Since most of the community is split between the different duel types, I think a centralized category where getting 10 wins could be cool. It would allow for a more skillful central category (as opposed to now, where getting a good time in your duel of choice necessitates running into a bot), and allow for different strategies in terms of which duel type to use since different categories have different speed floors and average speeds (for example, blitz and sumo can be some of the fastest categories at their best, but they can also be on average slower than other, more consistent formats).

adward les gusta esto

I agree

Oshuii les gusta esto
Utah, USA

i agrre butthe strageiy of finding out what game whould be fastest will always be sumo so i thick it is a better idea to do it for each catogery 10 win uch 10 win sumo ect other wise it will just be how can win 10 sumo games the fastest

Virginia, USA

I don't think sumo will be consistent enough to warrant the separation but it's possible.

Utah, USA

i reread the first post you made and now i thinck you are right

Utah, USA

forget to ask what are the chance of this atully happning casuse i might do some runs justa asking

Utah, USA

i thought about the 10 wins catgory and i thought if a oultion that i thinck whould be best. In duels there is a arean mode this mode has a big looby of up to 32 people and pits you against a random other person in 6 diffrent gam emondes soup,op,combo,bow,classic and uhc. I thinck we should do 10 wins in arean cause it will cause it will cause the diverites you wanted of the game modes and the strick play style that i wanted(top player whould have to get the fastest mode). If this does get added i whould recomend that timing stops when ever your duel finshest and satrts agina when the nesxt one strts. Other wise the rng whould be crazy ad get rid of the hole skill based catgorey point

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