Hello there!
Heading into February I wanted to update you all on everything that's happening in the future for Happy's Humble Burger Farm Speedrunning.
-Autosplitter/Load Remover is still in the works and is nearing completion. We plan on updating the leaderboard to reflect times with and without loads. There will be updates on it's progress the closer we get to launch.
-Leaderboard is updated with a fresh theme along with a font for Speedrun.com and new trophies for records/runs 1st Place-4th Place.
-Our discord is extremely active and I encourage you to join if you want to be apart of the coming updates within the community sooner or are brand new to running any Scythe game.
-Big thank you to @JonOfTheShred (Scythe Developer) for letting us update the speedrun page with a fresh coat of paint.
Thank you for reading and we'll be updating you very soon with everything new thats coming to HHBF.
-Zomb Slays
Its been quite a while! I hope you had a good summer and been enjoying yourselves.
Your August 2023 Update Is As Follows:
- Endless Skip & No Endless Skip Subcategory Added
- Updated Any% Rules To Reflect The Use Of Endless Skip
- Updated Game Lea