Any% NMG in 15m 13s by
A good run, pushes the current time a couple of seconds lower again, I don't think sub 15 is possible with this route, but it might be possible with another skip or optimisation. Overall pretty happy with this run.
División de tiempos
Proporcionado por
# | Nombre | División | Terminado en |
1 | Tutorial | 2m 31s 787ms | 2m 31s 787ms |
2 | Entropy Oro | 2m 46s 160ms | 5m 17s 948ms |
3 | CSEC Oro | 7m 12s 552ms | 12m 30s 500ms |
4 | Heart | 2m 42s 962ms | 15m 13s 463ms |
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