Regarding IGT measurements
7 years ago
United States

Howdy! So as some of us know, O3DS and N3DS have slightly different loading times, which is why we've decided to begin listing IGT alongside RTA. However, its a ¤little¤ funky in general, and here is why:

-Game time on the end save screen shows the time played from the beginning frame to the end frame when saving. This includes menus and loading times.

-The times listed on result screens do not account for deaths or DM moves/abilities, so this is also an unreliable measure.

With this in mind, I've come up with a (mostly) accurate measurement for Copen runs, and will be working on GV runs as well. Strike Saw/Shred Storm uses will be counted, and their time (7s each) added onto the IGT time. Since there are no true DM skips for Copen (aside from Asroc), IGT will not include the full-screen pauses caused by boss DM moves. We will also not include the usage of Astrasphere/Lightning Sphere used in the GV Intro stages as virtually everybody uses it (#meta).

For those submitting runs, don't worry about figuring out this IGT measurement yourself! I go through the runs and add them up myself when I verify them :)

So yeah, to recap -- IGT is being listed now to give a more fair representation to O3DS users, as there is a ~35 second difference in loading times between N3DS and O3DS. RTA will still remain as the main measurement though. I'll handle calculating IGTs for submitted runs, as we will now be counting player ability usage and adding them to stage times.

Any questions or concerns, please feel free to voice them here! I'm always happy to help :)

Happy running! -Frank

United States

(Forgot to add this in the main post and shut down my pc already. Whoops~)

Would also like to throw in that I WILL be going through all Copen runs and calculating proper IGTs :) Once I get measurements for GV's abilities, I'll also work on proper IGT measurements for those runs as well. I'll also create a post listing how long all abilities will pause stage time for once I have the measurements.

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