General Speedrun Guide for .hack//G.U. vol 4 Reconnection - Normal any% and Cheat Mode
General Speedrun Guide for .hack//G.U. vol 4 Reconnection - Normal any% and Cheat Mode
Actualizado 4 years ago por Jixaws

Notes* -(sc) is short for "Skip Cutscene. This happens a lot and I just wanted to note it here

  • (E is short for "Sigma"
  • I note it later in the run, bu you will want to always have Atoli/Yata cast Ap Do on you, its gonna make you go fast!

Skip cutscene Menu login Skip Cutscene Skip Cutscene <|Hidden Forbidden Dark Grotto

Move down the hill Cutscene Up the hill and leave the area Skip

Talk to all the people inthe square Atoli (sc) Gift Cat Whiskers to Atoli Silibus and Gaspard (sc) Akaid (sc)

  • Trade for Rapid Star Play Equip Rapid Star Play - Customize Funbolt oil onto it Talk to Kaede (sc) Talk to Tabby (sc) Logout/Login Go to <| Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground Walk into the Church Skip Cutscene Run back to the pad, and leave Skip Cutscene Invite Atoli + Bordeaux Go to <| Unknown Evening's Drama of Deliverance

<| Unknown Evening's Drama of Deliverance

Floor 1: Trade Bordeaux for her 10 Speed Talismans Have Atoli Equip the Medic Auto Clock Customize it to have Cats Whiskers

Have Atoli Cast Ap Do on you, to increase speed Proceed up the Spire encountering 3 Trap doors

Floor 2 Continue up the Spire, encountering 3 Trap doors

Floor 3 Kill Duke Orius Skip Cutscene Leave the Area

<| Eternal City Mac Anu

Turn around and head to <|Disputing Superior New World

<| Disputing Superior New World

Note I am going to be putting the directions, starting with the first direction you go in, in order. You will be changing direction once you encounter another room that has more than one option (so a room can have 3 easts in a row, but I will have it down as 1 east, until you need to change direction or clarification on a split path is needed ) BF1: west-south-east-south-west BF2: east-north-west-north-north-east BF3: east-south-east-east Skip Cutscene Fight Vegalta

  • Kill all small guys, then kill him Skip cutscene teleport to warp pad leave the area

<| Eternal City Mac Anu Teleport to <|Great Scheming Dark Realm

<|Great Scheming Dark Realm FL1: west, warp, east warp, south warp, south-west FL2: east, warp, south, warp, east warp, east warp, west FL3: east-north-east-south-east kill Huge Grundge Skill Trigger to find the right (facing the south wall) Warp

Netslum Tartarga Skip cutsacene head to the command center Skip cutscene Talk to all the people in the slum: Tabby (sc) Kaede(sc) Kuhn (sc) Atoli (sc) Alkaid (sc) Silibus and Gaspard (sc) Shino (sc) SakuBo (sc) Endrance (sc) Head to the Command Center Skip Cutscene Head to the Chaos Gate Invite Atoli and Kuhn Go to (E Sacred Ruined Forsaken Isle

(E Sacred Ruined Forsaken Isle

BF1: west-south-south-east-west BF2: east-north-west-north-west-north-east-north-west BF3: east-south-east-west-south, teleport, south-west BF4: east-(north east direction)-north Fight Vegalta Skip Cutscene Fight Vegalta Skip Cutscene Warp to Pad Leave area


Go to the Bridge Skip Cutscene Skip Cutscene Skip Cutscene Skip Cutscene Skip Cutscene Talk to All the people in the area: Pi/Yata (sc) Tabby (sc) Kuhn (sc) Atoli (sc) Alkaid (sc) Silibus/Gaspard (sc) Aina/Shino (sc) Sakubo (sc) Endrance (sc) Invite Atoli and Kuhn to the Party Skip Cutscene Warp to (E Glowing Genesis's The Boundary

(E Glowing Genesis's The Boundary

FL1: west-south-west-south-west FL2: east-west-east-north-west FL3: east-south, warp, south warp, south warp, south warp, south warp, west FL4: east-north-west-north Kill Chaos Empress Skill Trigger to reveal warp (Toward the north wall) Warp Skip Cutscene Gift Ovan Cat Whiskers Equip him with Zoned Super Belt - Customized with CW Use the Talismans here FL1: west-north-west-north warp FL2: west-south-west warp Fl3: west Fight Vegalta

  • In this fight, build up morale first, then target haggis. Use Skill triggers, then activate Awakening Skip Cutscene Fight Moralta
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