All Jumps January, a highly-praised speedrunning event by the philanthropist extraordinaire zazzlebar, has finally reached its end, leaving the brave new runners with pockets full of cash.
After a month of drama, blood, sweat and tears, the five most worthy contestants will finally get the reward they deserved with their hard labour. Here are the final standings:
Artacer — 28:44 ($50)
koutyy — 29:58 ($40)
WeWill — 31:33 ($30)
BerryJuice — 34:49 ($20)
ComputerRage — 39:13 ($10)
The Grand Theft Auto IV speedrunning community is eternally grateful to zazzlebar for organising the event and to all of the runners for participating.
If you feel sorry you've missed out — don't worry! We'll be organising another big event later in the year that EVERYONE will be able to participate in.
Don't miss out on the unprecedented event in the GTA IV speedrunning history! All Jumps January (sponsored by zazzlebar) is a unique chance for new runners to explore the dangerous world of inconsistent ramps and police brutality.
All you need to participate is to NOT have a time on the All Stunt Jumps leaderboard before the event began! That means that you will be competing against newcomers to the category, just like yourself. And the good news don't stop there. zazzlebar also prepared a tutorial to cover the basics for the beginners, which can be seen below.
1st place: $50 USD
2nd place: $40 USD
3rd place: $30 USD
4th place: $20 USD
5th place: $10 USD
zazzlebar promises to transfer the rewards even to the non-PayPal-friendly countries.
The event will be concluded on the 3rd of February.
More information can be found in the GTA Speedrunning Discord:
On the morning of April 26th, 2024, good__ron stunned the world with some sort of Russian black magic. How the fuck did he manage to pull this off? "Haters will say it was cheated", claims the wizard, good__ron. Was it cheated? Watch below and decide for yourself.
This is some unfathomable shit. How can such a thing be possible? Did it remind you of the flying witch or "La Bruja" from the famous footage taken in Monterrey, Mexico in 2006? (Yes)
I remember many years ago viewing the beginning of a highlighted run which started just as the previous attempt was coming to a semi-disastrous close. Sometimes a VOD like this was accompanied by a remark signaling frustration or lost hope which, I suppose, the runner felt was a bit of amusing juxtaposition, hence why possibly they chose to introduce their run with it. Maybe they just wanted to remind the viewer to not get it twisted as speedrunning is a long series of failures with a win sprinkled in here and there. To some, being forced to abandon this would be nothing more than another case of speedrunning being further drained of its soul. I completely understand, but do you know what drains my soul? When a new submission includes a linked video containing any number of attempts prior to the start of the run/attempt which the submitter wants verified. Over the years, I've seen handfuls of submissions like this. Sometimes the actual run doesn't start for 5 to 10 minutes (OR LONGER) and we have to click through these wonderful introductions, attempting to find where the actual run begins.
I'm going to chalk it up to laziness on the submitter's behalf. They may have thought that they had the correct attempt, but failed to adequately check. Maybe some of these cases are the result of the runner highlighting the entire broadcast because the attempt was somewhere near the start and, "Ah...what the hell..., I'll just drag that slider over to 00:00! That was a breeze!" To those of you who have been a perpetrator of this horrible crime to our leaderboard, just add an attempt counter if it's too hard to correctly identify the start of the attempt that you want the video to begin with. Cut the video so the attempt begins soon after the start of the video. If you want to include the final moments of the previous attempt, go ahead, if you must. However, I'd encourage all runners to cut their submission videos so the attempt begins almost immediately after the start of the video. Do make sure to include at least some frames of the white splash screens as we need to be able to see when the first black frame appears. There will be an examples of these below.
Beginning on June 14th, 2022, the linked video in a submission to the leaderboard must be cut so the beginning of the run up for verification starts soon after the beginning of the video. Refer to what was mentioned above if you're wondering what will be allowed. If a submission fails to meet this standard, it will be rejected. Existing runs are grandfathered. Do not submit timestamped videos. Cutting your video properly is not a challenging task.
The board can be found here --->
All runs, including obsolete runs, have been moved.
All Jumps January, a highly-praised speedrunning event by the philanthropist extraordinaire zazzlebar, has finally reached its end, leaving the brave new runners with pockets full of cash.
After a month of drama, blood, sweat and tears, the five most worthy contestants will finally get the reward