On mission 0, duping, instapassing
3 years ago

1/6 of chance to work:

LCS-like, consistent and slow om0 + duping Taxi with Vigilante:

Fast, hard and rather inconsistent om0 using Paramedic. My reference to get back in is 2.75s after starting Paramedic the first time. I think this is what will be used in runs.

Editado por el autor 3 years ago

Found by qqqq, the Crook "instapass" involving Sayonara Salvatore's part where Salvatore is driving to home and Taxi. Does not increase % nor missions passed counter.


Smack Down instapass using Vigilante, credits: @AnakeenSkywalker. Increases % counter and missions passed counter, credits: @H0rHe.

Gripped instapass using Smack down. Works just like in the original version, credits: @H0rHe. These can be easily be chained.

Triads and Tribulations instapass using Vigilante (have to kill a criminal, but don't enter a police vehicle again), increases both % counter and missions passed counter. Unfortunately, you end up being softlocked. Credits: @AnakeenSkywalker

Editado por el autor 2 years ago

Patriot Playground IP with SCAM, works like in the original. Credits: @Zazaza691


Deal Steal Partial Skip with Vigilante (skips to the part where you have to bring back the briefcase to Kenji´s place). Requieres stack fixing of Vigilante because the game crashes when passing the mission.

Without stack fix:

With stack fix (Stack fix with The Crook):

Pump-Action Pimp Instapass with Drive Misty For Me. Pump-Action Pimp is Instapassed (leaves one instance but game softlocks in the cutscene). Increases missions passed counter and percentage.

34+ People saved in an Ambulance Instapass with Mike Lips Last Lunch. Instapasses the "35 patients" completion point. One of the 3 conditions to pass Paramedic in III (the first one if IIRC). Increases percentage.

Diablo Destruction and Mafia Massacre Instapasses with The Crook. Credits: @Zazaza691 for the Diablo Destruction one discovered in his run in GTA Marathon 2022. Increases missions passed counter and percentage.

Kanbu Bust-Out Instapass with The Thieves (leaves one instance). Works likes the OG, increases missions passed counter and percentage. Credits: @H0rHe

I Scream You Scream Instapasses with The Getaway. You can Instapass this mission in 2 different parts from The Geetaway mission. Increases missions passed counter and percentage.

Big 'n Veiny Instapass with The Getaway. Increases missions passed counter and percentage.

Taking Out The Laundry Instapass with Taking Out The Laundry. Dupe the mission then kys (works the same as in OG).

Triads and Tribulations Instapass with Triads and Tribulations. Dupe the mission then kys (works the same as in OG).

Under Surveillance Instapass with Under Surveillance. Dupe the mission then kys (works the same as in OG).

Big 'n Veiny Instapass with Sayonara Salvatore. Dupes the mission then a few seconds later the mission is Instapassed. Then mission is softlocked in the cutscene. Increases missions passed counter and percentage.

Kingdom Come Instapass with Payday For Ray (leaves one Instance and then game softlocks in the cutscene). Increases missions passed counter and percentage.

Hospital Tutorial Skip with Cipriani's Chauffeur. Skips the Hospital Tutorial.

Police Station Tutorial Skip with Paparazzi Purge. Skips the Police Station Tutorial.

Editado por el autor 2 years ago

Grand Theft Auto Aero Partial Skip with Vigilante (skips to the part where you have to go to the construction site elevator. Leaves one instance). Works only on 1.04.5 (last version). Remaining instance could be killed with Escort Service (Instafails the mission and leaves Escort Service OM0)

Editado por el autor 2 years ago

Silence the Sneak Instapass with Vigilante (game softlocks in the mission initial cutscene). Increases missions passed counter and percentage. Works only on 1.04.5 (last version)

Uzi Money Triplication with Vigilante (starts the mission duped then restarts the mission due to stack given you 3 completitions. Game apparently crashes after starting another mission when finished the last instance). Works only on 1.04.5 (last version)

Editado por el autor 2 years ago

The Pick Up Instapass with Pump-Action Pimp (game crashes after the IP or soflocks?) Credits: @H0rHe


Blow fish w/getaway


Staunton Island 20 Vigilante Kills Instapass with Deal Steal (setup doable for hundo?) Credits: @Powdinet


  • Start Deal Steal OM0 Rampage.
  • Progress the mission until the shooting part.
  • Start Vigilante (you ip the 20 vigilante kills for that island).
  • Get busted to kill one Vigi instance.
  • Start Deal Steal again with the wrong stack instance while having a criminal killed on foot (don't go back to a copcar).
  • Finish Deal Steal as the video shows (partial skips fixing the stack. The skip seems broken though).

Editado por el autor 2 years ago


Did you test that? Imo it won't work like that, That's obvious, it seems to me that this method was tried first, and it didn't work, that's how we came to ambulance setup like in lcs

level0 les gusta esto

Im asking you, did you test om0 with holding submission on DE

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