Industrial All Missions - Route
10 years ago

Here is the route for Industrial:

Russian Mafia part

  1. (green right) Mmm, Russian Sailors: Kill Zaibatsu when collecting the third guy until Russian respect +3, collect flamethrower on the highway before last guy. Lure a Cop Car to the docks.
  2. (yellow top) Officer Down: Flamethrower is a safe strat for SWAT and FBI. Try to get a cop car or a car with 4 seats after mission.
  3. (yellow top) Tanks A Lot: Collect Invisibility.
  4. (red) Vedic Massacre: Get full Zaibatsu respect while shooting Krishna inside the Vedic Temple and stay at safe spot for the rest of mission. (Getting in car or leave temple while the timer runs is mission failed).
  5. (red) Super Grass Rescue: Get cop car at the police station on the way if you don´t have one already. Destroy generators with rockets after going up first stairs, don´t run all the way to the generators.
  6. (yellow bottom) Karma Assassins: Spawn killers by running against traffic, make sure that after the mission Zaibatsu respect is at least +4.
  7. (green left) Hot Dog Homicide: You might shoot a few Russians after picking up phone or in the mission before to avoid mad Krishnas with Flamethrowers and Molotovs later on!

Krishna part 15. (yellow left) Cossack Conversion: Ignore all guards and just go straight to the truck. After collecting the workers use the ramp to the right as shortcut. 16. (yellow right) Sunbeam Contract: Go to Russian territory and spawn killers by running against traffic as usual and get blinking -5 respect so the last killers show up. 17. (green bottom) Cop Car Scrap: Get a Cop Car after crane collected last Cop Car. Drive to the red phone while the crane does its job. 18. (red) Rooftop Rescue: Take the ramp as shortcut after leaving the Vedic Temple and go straight to the rooftops. Don´t follow the captives and kill the 4 guards straight away, maybe with Molotovs as safe strat. 19. (yellow) Conversion Evasion: Take the parked Karma Bus from the yellow phones and leave it at the entrance later at Zaibatsu grounds. Run straight through, not minding the tanks, and get up the platform to the right. From there shoot every generator with rocket launcher or molotovs and kill the guards. Get the Karma Bus and finish the mission. 20. (red) Power Station: When at the station, you might switch to the parked Bulwark. After mission completed, deathwarp with Molotovs and take the Medicar from the hospital up north. 21. (green top) Deconstruction Yard: Switch to the parked Stinger on the way to pick up the mission. Deathwarp immediately after mission completed, take the Medicar from the hospital and arm the car with mines and vehicle machine guns at the shop in the south. 22. Final Job: Note: This mission starts 22 seconds after you finish the last gang mission. Drive over Jerkov and Sunbeam or kill them with the mines or vehicle machine guns. Uno Carb usually spawns at a specific spot on the pavement to the right not far away from the exit point, when you drive up north on the highway. If you are quick you should be able to drive him over or shoot him before he can even launch his rockets.

Editado por el autor 8 years ago

I tested and updated the route and it works like it is described above, time estimate would be around 1:15h. Also made a video for "Army Base Alert" to demonstrate the strat(starts at 2:30):

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