God of War Challange Runs
4 years ago

Recentemente eu comecei a ver algumas Runs de The last of Us e percebi que eles tem uma categoria SpeedRun Challange. Achei interessante sugerir uma série de runs dessas pra séries God of War também, e incluir desafios como zerar o jogo o mais rápido possível sem mortes por exemplo. Acho que seria legal mais opções e chances para um maior número de jogadores entrarem no ''livro dos recordes'' e alguns desafios a mais pra quem já está no mundo do SpeedRun.

I recently started seeing some Runs from The last of Us and realized that they have a SpeedRun Challange category. I found it interesting to suggest a series of runs of these for God of War series as well, and to include challenges such as zeroing the game as quickly as possible without deaths for example. I think it would be cool to have more options and chances for a larger number of players to enter the '' book of records '' and some more challenges for those already in the world of SpeedRun.

LHMC27 y GustavoPredador les gusta esto
United States

Not that it would be easy for new comers, but I do Lv1 Valkyrie fights on GMGOW. Strip your gear down until i you are level 1 then fight. Works in NG and NG+, couple of the fights aren’t doable at lv1 however. Kara is killable in NG but not + (at least I was never able to, she never stops summoning adds, gets too crowded), the one in Nieflheim cannot be done in either at lv1 due to the poison mist. All others can be including the Queen.

Doing a lv1 full run is possible even on GMGOW though a huge pain in the ass and would take a long time.

Also possible is a No Skills run. Never buy any thing with xp. Easier than the lv1 run.

Or a no runic run. Not difficult overall, lower barrier to entry.


Para esse game já tem categorias bastante desafiadoras, como os ''Trials'' e a ''Valkyrie%'', esse jogo tem diversos pontos que deixam muito mais intensificada a gameplay dependendo de qual Set e a dificuldade você seleciona, então, se vocês tiverem idéias sobre novas Runs Desafiadoras, ficaremos felizes em ouvir e discutir sobre.

For this game already has very challenging categories, like the ''Trials'' and the ''Valkyrie%'', this game has several points that make the gameplay much more intensified depending on which Set and the difficulty you select, so if if you have ideas about new Challenging Runs, we’ll be happy to hear and discuss about.

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