Is there gonna be a category for Emulator with Controller?
4 years ago

I am aware that there is a category where i do compete which is the 1964 Emu, but it´s with the mouse and keyboard setup, I would also like to know if there is gonna be a category of emulator runs with controller in the future.

mop890 y erikthedirector les gusta esto
Ohio, USA

As someone that plays with a controller, that would be cool, but there are challenges.... like how do you verify they are using a controller? Can it be any controller or only an N64? I have just come to accept that my times will be slower because I choose to play that way and not with a mouse and keys.

On the other hand, not opposed to that being a category if there is a way to enforce it and the demand is there.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
mop890 les gusta esto
Ohio, USA

Well that makes two of us @bambywamby31 :)

mop890 les gusta esto
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