No Any%?
2 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I played the hack today and I got really interested on an Any% run but there is no leaderboard PoroSad...

United Kingdom

Both switch palaces are required to get into the final level so there isn't really a any%. What would you like as a Any% route? :)

United States

I'll just add that I've been doing what could be Total%, or Quiz%, like we talked a little about, where I do the entire quiz and shell level after the normal run end. I'd love to have it split up a little, though it'll be slightly duplicative with the current runs.

(Adding: I stupid love this hack, and I'm grinding down to deathless 16:00)

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
JezJitzu les gusta esto
United Kingdom

Now added a Quiz% and Bonus%.

Quiz% requires ALL levels, complete the quiz and the bonus shell level.

Bonus% requires normal path up until both switch palaces. This allows access to the bonus shell level. Quiz not required for this one.

TheTaze les gusta esto
United Kingdom

Screw it - just added a yump% for fun.

Timer ends after Yumping both palaces! :D

TheTaze les gusta esto
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Any% for me would be Sewer Or Later, since is the last level possible without the switch palaces, honestly could be a really fun run for people that is starting at Kaizo speedrunning, is short and sweet.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Like on most of the old days kaizo that has the nexus level, the any% is the level before the nexus, and time IMO would be on grabbing the ORB

United Kingdom

Hmm i see - Does depend as Any% can also still show credits/ending and include the final level, 100% being anything beyond that.

I think Ill keep it as it is as the run is already quite short and now we've got another shorter version added.

I do normally agree with the time ending on ORB but suddenly taking both hands off the controller to stop time is always a bit of a pain.

Appreciate the suggestions though!

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Not every hack shows credits on any%, actually we have a lot of hacks that doesn't show, like Quickie World 1, Kaizo, Dram 1, GPW1, actually most older hacks that has a nexus level after the any%, and even some newer hacks, like Comfort Zone does the same way, ending any% without credits.

But I see your point, I usually enjoy more faster runs that I could try to optimize the most I can, but since any% seems out of the table I'm gonna try 100%

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Gambol 1.1 has been submitted!

Currently in awaiting submission on SMWC as of this post.

Mostly minor fixes/tweaks, but most notable for speed-runs:

  • The Rip Van fish waking up early in Pier Pressure. (this was caused to the vertical screen wrap if you were too close to the left).
  • Also made some edits to Salt mines to
2 years ago
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Publicado 2 years ago
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