Pc Performance
8 years ago
Alaska, USA

So over the past few days I've noticed my game running REALLY bad, Like full second stutters every 20 seconds from the world loading in objects. If you're also having this problem, this solution worked very well for me and now my game is running at 60 fps with minimal stuttering issues. Nvidia inspector: (If you have Nividia Cards) I turned on "Vsync" "Triple Buffering" and "Max Pre-Rendered Frames =1" . I also turned on vsync in the game. In-game settings: Shadow Quality: Medium World Detail: High SSAO Quality: High Light Shafts: Low Motion Blur: Off Bloom: High Now this may not work for everyone because everyone has a different setup.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
davidlyhrocks les gusta esto
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