Card combos
Card combos
Actualizado 2 years ago por UnPigeonVoyageur

** Symbol, Passive Combos: **

  • Ran + Komachi:

Always a critical hit 2 tiles away without pulling the enemy

  • Komachi + Kogasa:

Fast travel to the enemy when attacking far away and lands a critical hit. If it's sleeping, does not wake them up.

  • Byakuren + Komachi:

Can blow away enemy for an extra chance of critical

Effects improved with Ichirin's or Youmu's multiple attacks symbol

Transport speed improved with Kogasa's symbol if multiple ennemies are present in front

  • Utsuho + Komachi:

If Utsuho is used with Ichirin or Youmu, adds a chance to deal extra damage to get experience (explosion kills = 0 experience)

  • Tojiko + Iku:

Attacking when standing near water heals for 25HP

  • Kanako + Sakuya:

Thrown Onbashiras that land on walls will target another enemy

  • Youmu + Yuugi:

Adds extra chance to land a critical despite weaker damage

  • Youmu + Ichirin:

Adds extra chance to land more attacks

  • Youmu + Kanako:

Extra chance to throw an onbashira. The onbashira is not affected by damage reduction

  • Suika + Mystia:

High chance to spawn Yatsume onigiri (100HP Heal)

** Card active combo: **

  • Seija + Seiga (or: Patchouli, Tenshi, Tojiko, Raiko, Yoshika, Shikieiki, Tsukumo Sisters):
  1. Use Seija to reverse HP to 1 to all ennemies in the room.

  2. Use either Seiga, Patchouli, Tenshi, Tojiko, Raiko, Yoshika, Seiga, Shikieiki, Tsukumo Sisters, or Cirno to instant kill them the following turn

Only works on ennemies that can be dealt damage with spells and their damage type

  • Seija + Murasa or Tokiko:

After letting ennemies level up, use Murasa's anchor or Tokiko's 99,999 damage spell to recover the experience in 1 turn

  • Seija + Suwako:

Negate enemy defence to make new high level ennemies easy to defeat (Full HP recovery after level up)

  • Seija + Sekibanki:

Use Seija then Sekibanki to let turrets defeat ennemies

Head turret will level up, wtih 125 exp on level 3 for each one

Symbol + Active Combo:

  • Eirin Active + Yamame Passive:

Use Eirin to get full HP Recovery + Resurrection, Yamame's passive will remove the debuffs in a few turns

  • Yuugi Active + Suika Passive:

Use Yuugi to always get critical hits and thus bonus effects with Suika's symbol

  • Yuugi Active + Momiji Passive:

Use Yuugi to always get critical hits, and thus always land criticals with Momiji's 0 attack miss symbol. Improved with Suika's symbol with critical bonus effects

Update 30/11/24:

Seija Active combo section: Added Cirno active spellcard in turn 2.