Run posting duration
4 years ago

I submitted a run to SMO Any% this morning and hasnt gotten on the leaderboards yet so Im wondering how long it takes before it gets on the leaderboard

New York, USA

There's no hard set rule for how long it takes for runs to be approved. Just be patient.


It can take game moderators a time between 0 seconds and 21 days to verify runs. You are not the only one who submit runs, and runs on SMO specifically are relatively long (1 hour+), so it will also take time to verify your run when they will get to it. As Lieutenant_Boo said, patience is the key here.

Note that according to rules, you can contact the game moderators about your run if it wasn't verified in 14 days. If a run isn't verified in 21 days then the moderators are considered as inactive, and there are other solutions for this case. This likely won't happen in SMO any soon because it is a super active game.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
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