Out of curiosity: Does any of you know speedruns of game demos?
5 years ago

Does any of you know speedruns of game demos?

I'm really curious if there are games/categories on this site that speedrun the demo versions of certain games. If you know any, let me know!

If this sparked your interest about running a demo version or making a new category, comment below, I'm curious about anything related to demo versions and speedrunning just out of fun, maybe we can discover something!

Editado por el autor 5 years ago

The only one I have seen so far is the demo of "The Pedestrian", here: https://www.speedrun.com/theped#Demo_Any

I guess you won't have much luck finding many of those on the site. If a game is out, no one will speedrun the demo, they will go to the full game instead. Demos of future games will probably not be accepted to the site at all anymore, because of some newer rules in the "Game request" section.

In the case of the pedestrian game, the demo was requested (and accepted into the site) 2 years ago. Then only recently the leaderboard became focused on the full game after it was out, and the demo leaderboard turned into a misc category.

Editado por el autor 5 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness les gusta esto
New York, USA

The Alpha and Beta builds for A Hat In Time are on the site. Not sure if that counts as a demo but it's all I'm aware of.

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

I did one once, though it looks like I didn't save it. It was all endings of the Detroit Become Human demo.

It was for laffs. There's no leaderboard, nor should there be.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

inFamous 2 Demo. Never felt the need to record the gameplay as there are no categories of the game's demo. My PB for that is something like 10:06, it's very fun, strangely.

Western Australia, Australia

Deltarune at the moment is the demo as only chapter 1 has came out.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

That's not what a demo is, though. A demo is a free version of a game that features the most interesting (for the developers) part(s) of a game that encourages the players to buy the full game. A game that's being released episode-by-episode/chapter-by-chapter/part-by-part is not to be considered a demo.

Editado por el autor 5 years ago
New Jersey, USA

It isn't being released chapter by chapter. A full game will be released. This is literally a demo of the full game.

Tadyman les gusta esto

I made categories for the demo of FAITH CHII. Mostly because the full game is entirely different from it.


Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD has a Demo category :) https://www.speedrun.com/bbhd#Demo