Introducing SplitsBet, the Livesplit plugin that makes the viewers play with you
9 years ago

Most of the things you need to know are in the description of Github : I developed this plugin after I saw several people trying to guess what the time of a split would be, and I thought it would be fun to have a bot doing the work for you, with scores and stuff like that. If you like it, feel free to give suggestions to improve it, this is a working release but there's still lots of things to do. Also, you can fork the project to improve it yourself and request your changes, this wouldn't be open source otherwise :P Remember : the most feedback, the better the plugin can be. You have lots of choices to give feedback (This thread, Github issues, my Twitter) so if you have anything to say, say it (pleaaaase BibleThump )

Lemonian, PackSciences y 8 otros les gusta esto
Ontario, Canada

This is so cool, just wish I had an audience lol


My audience is pretty small as well so testing it myself wasn't always easy, that's why I decided to make an early release to get the chance of having people with larger audiences use it and see if it behaves correctly.

California, USA

This is pretty cool. I already have a bot with it's own account; would I be able to enter the bot account's credentials instead and have the commands work under that username while I stream?


Not yet, but we're working on the possibility to have at least the bot on its own account. Putting another account's credentials and make it join your channel could be another option.

North Brabant, Netherlands

Awesome plugin. The only issue I have with this is that for my World of Illusion runs, my timer starts at -3.10s. This time gets added to the split time in twitch. So if the time in the first split is 2:48, the viewers who guesses 2:51 are the closest to the time given by this plugin.

I do see that you have plans to centralize scores, meaning that after each run, the highscores won't reset. The last, not resetting the highscores for the runs is also a good suggestion. Also, guessing for a run to die when this is implanted should also be a possibility then. Maybe even setting a time limit to bet on that, like 30 seconds before the run dies.


Wow, this is something I've never thought about. I'll make sure to fix the issue with the negative timer !

However, I don't see how you'd put a limit 30 seconds before the run dies... you never know when a run dies D:

North Brabant, Netherlands

You can tackle that with as soon as a bet is placed, let it wait X seconds before it becomes a legit bet. This can be applied to both the ending of the run and the split time.

For when a run dies, some games have places where a run can die easily. For example, in Phantasy Star II, the dark force fight can end a run by it's curses. Some platformers has sections where you can die easily and end a run. Or there are points where the streamer often resets. You can also make it so that players can enable betting on that a run dies or not.

California, USA

Finally tried it out today with positive feedback from my viewers.

A couple of notes: Weird things happen to the scoring if you have to unsplit and split again.

With the Twitch delay it'd be nice to have the option to add a 15-25 second buffer so the results aren't spoiled in chat 30 seconds before it happens on stream. Something simple like !delay <milliseconds> would be awesome, if possible.

You say on the download page that scoring will be tweaked sooner or later, and I'd have to say that it seems like guessing accurately is not being rewarded as well as guessing quickly, especially when there's only small time differences between the guesses.

All in all though, I think this is a lot of fun. Thanks.


The delay is something that has been requested for a while, but I need to think about how to do it correctly. As it seems simple enough at first sight, I'm really afraid this might break stuff or block the whole system for 15 seconds everytime I need to delay an action, so that's why it hasn't been done yet.

Could you tell me more about the weird things happening when you unplit and split again ? The normal behaviour would be that the scores for the segment you unsplitted are rolled back to the previous state, and new scores are calculated from the bets that were done for this segment, as if you never splitted the first time (hope it's clear ^^).

And finally, for the score tweaks : I'll figure out how to reward more accuracy than speed. Guess I'll just have to change my coefficient calculation, shouldn't be too hard.

Thanks for the feedback :)

California, USA

Here's a C&P from my chat when I split/unsplit/split again. It reset them to 0 and awarded them -- points:

@JimmyNintendo Time for this split was 3:17.15 ¤ @JimmyNintendo Top 2 ¤ @JimmyNintendo T: 335 (+185) ¤ @JimmyNintendo R: 157 (+27) ¤ @JimmyNintendo Place your bets for Yellow Planet! Best segment for this split is 3:17.48 ¤ @JimmyNintendo Time for this split was 4.18 ¤ @JimmyNintendo Top 2 ¤ @JimmyNintendo T: 0 (--150) ¤ @JimmyNintendo R: 0 (--130) ¤ @JimmyNintendo Place your bets for Yellow Planet! Best segment for this split is 3:17.48


Ok, I think I can try to reproduce it this weekend. I have an idea that will fix one part of the bug (The split time showing 4.18 is definitely wrong) but I'll have to look further to fix the points.


JimmyNintendo, I didn't manage to exactly reproduce your circumstances, but it still helped me to figure out some bugs so I hope this will fix your case as well.

Basically : [quote]@JimmyNintendo Time for this split was 4.18[/quote] This is obviously wrong and this has been fixed to show the correct segment time after unsplitting and resplitting

[quote]@JimmyNintendo T: 0 (--150)[/quote] That's the part I couldn't reproduce, but the scores weren't managed correctly anyway so I coded this a bit better and it should work correctly, at least it did for me.

I currently have internet issues, so it's hard for me to test what I code (because I need internet to interact with the chat, even when testing), therefore I don't code... I hope this will be fixed tomorrow because there's still a lot of things I want to add before a new release will pop out.


New version released : v0.4

Please check the changelog : Lots of new stuff and fixes ! :)

United States

I've started playing around with this a bit since it seemed pretty neat.

¤ Could the reset message be customizable? It's a bit too specific in its current form and definitely not something that I would use personally. The other messages give the information and are generic enough that it's not an issue. ¤ I set it to a Best Segment comparison and had the following results on a testing splits file: IhavenonameSDA Place your bets for one! Best segment for this split is 2.25 IhavenonameSDA The time for this split was 2.86 IhavenonameSDA Place your bets for two! Best segment for this split is 4.92 <-- this IhavenonameSDA The time for this split was 3.45 IhavenonameSDA Place your bets for three! Best segment for this split is 6.49 IhavenonameSDA The time for this split was 1.99

It shows the total of the best segments to that point, which isn't really useful for betting on the length of a specific split. I'd prefer if this showed the length of the best segment instead.

¤The same issue applied to Personal Best: total time up to that split, but with betting on the length of specific splits. Though, this would be useful for betting the global time, wouldn't it be better to have the bot choose the total time to that point for global bets and only the split length for split length bets?

Really nifty bot though-once the information display is sorted out a bit I'll definitely be using this :P


Hey and thanks for the feedback.

What you are pointing out must be a bug that has been introduced with the latest version because it used to work perfectly beforehand. I'll look into it tonight and maybe a hotfix will be released because it seems to be a pretty important bug.

EDIT (after a quick look on GitHub because I'm at work) : A have an idea of what is going on. This has definitely been introduced in the latest build, because of the new setting to select which time you want to show in the chat. Hotfix confirmed tonight.

United States

Alright, I used this today (finally actually streamed!) and ran into a couple bugs:

¤ Resets took affect immediately, blocking all commands before the dead run message came up. So the log would be: (I reset) PersonInChat: !bet time SplitsBot: Timer is not running! (delay ends) SplitsBot: Run is kill :(

¤ You can bet non-valid numbers, as long as they're numbers (2:155, etc.) ¤ There's weird behavior when betting early on the first split-unsure if it's from the length (12-15 seconds) of the split or if it's due to the bet being in the delay (on the splits, 21 seconds). I was using a 10 second SplitsBet delay, for reference. My guess would be it ignores any bets given during the LiveSplit delay.


¤ Considering how the delay is coded, this is "normal": The delay only affects the events (Split, Unsplit, Reset, Skip split...) and not the commands. I'm not sure there's something I can do about that, or it will require very big changes. ¤ This is normal. The time is converted to the normal corresponding value (for instance, 2:155 would be actually 4:35) ¤ The bets shouldn't be ignored during the delay, I'll try to reproduce this bug. You're telling me that you have a 15 secs split at the beginning with a 10 seconds delay and nothing happens when you bet, right ?

United States

15 second split at the beginning of the run, 10 second SplitsBet delay, -21.00 starting timer value. Bets made immediately after the "get your bets in" message were ignored consistently-it seemed that if the timer still displayed a value below 0 the bet was ignored, though I could be mistaken.