Am I not a allowed to submit one run for multiple categories?
1 month ago
Texas, USA

A few of my submissions just got rejected because of the fact that I had already submitted that run, but I was under the impression that you could use one run for multiple categories. The run in question was just a basic playthrough of Security Breach the way it was intended to (aka no major skips) can't I also submit this to in bounds and out of bounds because TECHNICALLY it doesn't break the rules for those categories either?

United Kingdom

Technically yes but it cannot be the same run lol, if you do a run thats NMS, but also submit it to EVERYTHING then ofc its gonna get denied bc its not a OOB run its a NMS run

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About FNAF:SB - Ruin and 1.13

hey all, cloud here.

as you all know, the DLC for FNAF:SB, Ruin has released. in case you are unaware, we have made a separate board for ruin, which can be found at this link:

an embargo has been placed on the board, which will last roughly a week or so. this

1 year ago
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