How to skip cutscenes?
1 year ago
United States

i noticed the WR skips the cutscenes by possibly reloading the game? do you just have to have godly loading times? would pausing the timer be applicable to this? i've tried messing with the files, too, but to no avail. i also noticed in the WR that the intro newspaper scene does not appear. how do i replicate this?

ElGatoMc les gusta esto

if you're on pc, then pressing f2 the second 6 am hits should do the trick. you should spam enter once you do that, so you can easily skip the warning screen and start the night. if you're on console or something that lets you pause, then i think (don't know for sure) that you can pause and quickly go to the title screen. i don't know myself if you're allowed to do any pauses on your timer or anything for this, but you probably can.

ElGatoMc y cloudyyskie les gusta esto
United States

AWESOME :D!! Thanks so much!!!

ElGatoMc les gusta esto
Chicago, IL, USA

Timers cannot be paused, but for Console and Mobile, the closest thing to a Fade Skip can be done by:

  • On Console (if memory isnt poor) pausing the game and backing out when 6 AM is on the in-game clock in the top right.

  • Mobile: Closing and reopening the app

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