Decision to Add Milliseconds
1 year ago

We have a new joint world record for any%, so I'm putting the question of whether or not we should include milliseconds in our leaderboard timings to the community. I'm going to wait for a few responses to come in, I know some people have likely walked away from the game for good so I don't need our full playercount. I'll probably make a decision once I get 3 other opinions.

Île-de-France, France

I think it's a good idea to include milliseconds for any%, but also for ILs. To be honest, I find a bit weird that there are, at the same time, an any% category and all different endings in IL, especially when the any% is simply ending 2 (I haven't played the game in a while. I think that's the correct ending).

Ecgtheow les gusta esto

I've always found the the set up odd too to be honest. Any% is redundant when that will always be just whatever ending is fastest.

Now an argument could be made for keeping the Any% category for the purposes of archiving, say we find a massive skip that makes another ending somehow faster than Murder, the Any% leaderboard will show that discovery since you'll see previous runners (or obsoleted runs) went for different endings and notice the huge timesave in the top runs.

But the Individual Level boards would sort of show that bit of history anyway? You'll be able to see that oh, suddenly a slower ending became the fastest as you flick through them.

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
Gadullus les gusta esto
Florida, USA

The times for runs are definitely getting closer to the point where milliseconds may be needed. I agree with Gadullus on Any%. It is just redundant and will always just be whatever ending is fastest at the time.

Ecgtheow les gusta esto

Okay on the Any% issue, I can manually shift runs over to the IL board which isn't that much more work than going full game cat to full game cat.

One issue is that H1atus seems to have rebranded himself. His runs are no longer visible and his account links to a YouTube with a different name (which matches a newer SRC account). I'll need to track him down.


So H1atus's runs are lost to time so to preserve them in some way they're PC Any% - 2m 28s and Console Any% - 2m 34s.

Also asked him to weigh in while DMing so the millisecond change will be going ahead. I think 4 votes for the change (including myself) is enough of a consensus when there are only two active runners at the moment anyway. The change could even bring some people back.

Virginia, USA

I am in full support for the addition of milliseconds for our run timing. I feel like it would be very strange not to include them with runs for this game being as short as they are.

Additionally, I agree that we should get rid of Any% as it is just redundant.

We should definitely keep both "All Endings" categories as they better represent the full game of Fatum Betula.

Also, I want to say I'm thrilled that we have an active moderator. Thank you Ecg for your work cleaning up and reorganizing! :)

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
Ecgtheow les gusta esto
Virginia, USA

Also, I strongly think we should switch to having the timing for the IL runs ending with the liquid being put in the birch tree's water.

I guess it makes sense for full game runs, but it seems awkward to include the ending cutscene's time for each individual level. It literally makes the final time twice as long as the actual speedrun is for ending 2.

This also makes it difficult to gauge an actual comparison between the length of each ending considering the cutscenes are all different lengths.

I'm interested to hear others thoughts on this.

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
Ecgtheow les gusta esto

I'm voting yes for IL milliseconds.

I also think Khaotix suggestion of not including the cutscenes for timing makes a lot of sense, I feel like it's more logical to have the ending split tied to the last action the player takes rather than the credits. Plus as they pointed out, it would provide more consistency between endings. A nice point to split would be the screen turning black for example. For all endings I'm not sure whether to use this rule. The current rules make sense for that category.

Anyhow, thanks for the work Ecg, it's nice to get more order in the leaderboard.

Ecgtheow les gusta esto

I found the IL ending timing weird when I started running this too. I kind of find it painful needing to wait so long after the final input to really know if my run is a PB lol, I know using splits instead of a lazy timer would help but still.

So I can re-time all the IL runs to the fade out after the water changes colour, but I think we should still require the full ending cutscene to be shown. If your run doesn't PB, Alt+F4 to skip watching it and get back to another attempt sooner. If it is a PB, let the cutscene play out as another small way to show that the game isn't modded or anything. And I think it'd be odd to have everyone's VODs just abruptly end after the black screen. Thoughts on this?

Gadullus, Khaotix, y elecman les gusta esto
Florida, USA

I think that would be a good idea. I do like having the cutscenes in the VOD's, but having the time end before it is definitely a good idea.

Ecgtheow les gusta esto
Virginia, USA

I agree. We require watching the entire cutscene for PBs, but end the timer on the fade out.

Thanks Ecg! I know retiming them all is quite a bit of work. But I think we will all enjoy running the ILs more after we've made the change.

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
Ecgtheow les gusta esto
Île-de-France, France

I saw that you changed game rules. I think it's better this way. It'll be easier and more convenient for everyone.

Maybe we should also seperate ILs between PC and Console like the full game leaderboard. I've got also a request, could you change Ending 0: Nothing to Ending 0: Nothing to Worry About, Ending 2: Murder to Ending 2: Murderers and Ending 9: Where Do We Go From Here to Ending 9: Where do we go from here? ? That's in game the name of each ending.

Keep up the good work. It's nice to see some activity in this game.

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
Ecgtheow les gusta esto

Great suggestions Gad! I did want to add a subcategory variable for PC/Console but I just wanted to grab a screenshot of all our Ending 2 runs together first. It's nice not having one category essentially divided between Any% and Ending 2 since like nobody but me submitted to both lol. I'll finish tidying things up tonight if all goes to plan. Pray the little one goes to bed on time.

Gadullus les gusta esto

Okay so I've expanded the PC/Console variable to ILs too and I believe I've restored all the orphaned runs that disappeared into the void since they didn't have that variable set. While doing so I noticed that former mod Umbrelion's VODs were all unavailable, I'll need to contact her at some point to see if she regained access to her account or made a new one she plans to resubmit under. Hopefully her videos aren't gone forever too like H1atus's ones because it sucks losing some leaderboard history.

To make a record of it, she had three No SLA runs. A 50m 58s and what seems to be two separate submissions of a 48m 25s run.

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