No Stage 2 for Consoles & possible 100%
8 years ago
New York, USA

So Turtle Rock Studios came out with the news that 2K is ending future development for Evolve so what we have now is what we get. Stage 2 is likely never coming to consoles so we'll still be able to do Evacuation runs there but sadly this means any PC players are gonna get left out. With no new updates means they don't get the return of Evacuation mode.

With that said second thing I was thinking about a lot was the current runs. It's really fast to do Evacuation by mass suicide until the final mission but I was thinking maybe a type of 100% run where you have to win everything would be more fun to do and watch. It'd be immensely easier to pull off as Hunter solo and kinda get the most out of the game before it's officially put out to pasture. What do you guys thinks?

New South Wales, Australia

I dont run the game anymore. I dont even play it tbh. Was fun while I did though. idk. Like, Ill chime in on stuff but I dont think Ill do any more runs (heh, more runs. I never really did a 'run').

New South Wales, Australia

Do kinda wish more people got into it. Was pretty much a solo project for me when it came out. But its a niche run.

Ill hang around. And let me know updates and stuff.

New York, USA

Aww, okay :< Well glad at least you're still around :) I figured if I did more interesting ones maybe some might get into it and such. In any case if I think of stuff I'll be sure to post it here

Shade667 les gusta esto
New South Wales, Australia

Ive got other games Ive got to focus on. I ran the tutorials as a side project while I was taking the competitive side fairly seriously (I was top 10 Wraiths in Oceania in my prime). As the passion from playing multiplayer faded and the playerbase dwindled into nothing so did my desire to run the game, coupled by the fact that I had no real competition at the time.

The passion isnt there anymore, so running it now would be me forcing myself into it, like a chore rather than it being a fun project that I look forward to.

Now that I compete in Fighting games ive got even less time for speedrunning. (Thought I should give insight to why I stopped)

New York, USA

It's fine, thanks for sharing :) Great luck in the FGC. What games do you compete in?

New South Wales, Australia

Mortal Kombat and Tekken.

New York, USA

Awesomeness, I enjoy watching those games

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