What is the logic behind the top placeholder images?
8 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Which is to say, how was it decided that green > blue > red > yellow? What associates a color to the numeric position and by what rationale was the determination made?

North Carolina, USA

I gotta word this. Gonna have to go with the tried and true RGB. Red #1 (kick ass transformations like a motherfuckin dragon or some shit), Green #2 (this shit right here makes the speedrun go round), Blue #3 (free EVO points? uh, sign me the fuck up!)

Elipsis les gusta esto
North Carolina, USA

Yellow is too much talking. I can't deal with that. Definitely does not roll deep.

Pennsylvania, USA

What about something more evolvey?

Like... 1st place gets to be Bolbox or the Cave man evolution? 2nd place is a mammal or bird image 3rd is reptile or amphibian 4th place fuck you you're a fish

Well, green is because RPG is all about the green stuff, as you can tell by the game layout and all the other moderators of the game. Then it's just alphabetical order (I guess). I don't think there was a lot of thought put behind the choice of colors, but I'm sure RPG knows better. And yea, something like having different evolutions could be a neat idea.

Editado por el autor 8 years ago
Washington, USA

Okay so I personally think it makes perfect sense because of 2 reasons.

  1. The Value of the Crystals in game

  2. Just straight up best color to worst color.

The Green Crystal is the most useful crystal in a speedrun because it allows you to use previous evolutions, allowing you to defeat bosses without grinding and slow rollin things.

The Blue Crystal gives you different EXP values, which makes things Significantly faster in Chapter 1 with the 500EXP u get to buy the Fin with, which u would probably have to grind elsewhere costing 3ish min or go in Raw with doing 1dmg to the shark or with whatever EXP u get from Yellow dolphins.

The Red Crystal doesn't really have much use at all in the speedrun, only time it is seen in a run is when u are getting MantaRay/Eel, unless of course you are doing 100% Record all evolutions. The Red crystal is not completely useless but not super useful either.

The Yellow Crystal is entirely useless, and only offers hints/text that slows things down. Yellow is without question the worst of the 4, and represents the slow rollin not even top 3 runner.

Overall IMO even without the crystal values, my favorite colors between the 4 would still be Green > Blue > Red > Yellow which is ironic that the value of the crystals is exactly the same as my preference in color :)

Editado por el autor 8 years ago
Elipsis, authorblues, y Ms_Haunter les gusta esto
Pennsylvania, USA

That's strong af.

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