My first speedrun performed in front of an audience, I only had two days of practice before-hand, so my time could definitely get lower. I had previously S Ranked all missions on DMD several months ago, so I had the skill the learn the run.
I deviated from the WR route to show off some neat strategies against bosses without Holy Water usage. So even with that dis-advantage, seeing it go as well as it did was all I could ask for.
Causes for concern on the validity of the run:
I don't quite understand the rule "The Untouchable and Holy Water before Mission 14 are allowed." I might've accidentally broken this rule due to a lack of information. If so I apologize. I potentially might've broken it by grabbing the Untouchable in Mission 13 instead of 14, grabbing it early.
On another note, the Real Time shown in the video is in-accurate, since I didn't skip the plane cutscene for around 30-40 seconds, thinking the run was over after the hud disappeared. This is according to how Maxylobes cuts the timer in his run, so I'm trusting him on this one.
Thus, I re-timed the very end to include the end cutscene in the real-time, er... time. This new time is what I submitted as my real time, not what's in the video.
Overall, I might've broken the "The Untouchable and Holy Water before Mission 14 are allowed." rule, but I'm still extremely proud of this run, and not cracking under pressure.
Twitch Highlight if the YT link isn't satisfactory:
Minor edits were done before and after the run, but nothing was touched during the run. If that is suspicious, the Twitch highlight should clear things up above.
# | Nombre | División | Terminado en |
1 | Mission 1 Oro | 3m 46s 808ms | 3m 46s 808ms |
2 | Mission 2 | 2m 53s 392ms | 6m 40s 200ms |
3 | Mission 3 | 2m 23s 808ms | 9m 04s 008ms |
4 | Mission 4 Oro | 2m 24s 351ms | 11m 28s 360ms |
5 | Mission 5 Oro | 1m 17s 351ms | 12m 45s 712ms |
6 | Mission 6 | 2m 32s 159ms | 15m 17s 872ms |
7 | Mission 7 | 2m 06s 535ms | 17m 24s 407ms |
8 | Mission 8 | 2m 17s 832ms | 19m 42s 240ms |
9 | Mission 9 | 3m 40s 327ms | 23m 22s 568ms |
10 | Mission 10 Oro | 2m 05s 632ms | 25m 28s 200ms |
11 | Mission 11 | 2m 43s 567ms | 28m 11s 768ms |
12 | Mission 12 | 3m 10s 127ms | 31m 21s 896ms |
13 | Mission 13 | 1m 06s 607ms | 32m 28s 504ms |
14 | Mission 14 | 2m 20s 881ms | 34m 49s 385ms |
15 | Mission 15 | 5m 46s 934ms | 40m 36s 320ms |
16 | Mission 16 Oro | 4m 18s 855ms | 44m 55s 176ms |
17 | Mission 17 | 4m 36s 280ms | 49m 31s 456ms |
18 | Mission 18 | 3m 52s 864ms | 53m 24s 320ms |
19 | Mission 19 | 2m 46s 864ms | 56m 11s 185ms |
20 | Mission 20 | 2m 01s 632ms | 58m 12s 817ms |
21 | Mission 21 | 4m 54s 742ms | 1h 03m 07s 560ms |
22 | Mission 22 Oro | 2m 14s 048ms | 1h 05m 21s 609ms |
23 | Mission 23 Oro | 3m 12s 510ms | 1h 08m 34s 120ms |
In light of the news about twitch's highlights being an endangered species, the "twitch vod required for world record submissions" rule, which has been in place since 2019, was reconsidered. Unanimously, we have decided to remove this rule. Additionally, the rule requiring all PC runs to show inpu