2020 Mecha Mallard
2020 Mecha Mallard
Actualizado 4 years ago por Cheggjon

The Goal of this category is to obtain the Level 3 "Tiny Wing" "iDowsing" "Smart Shovel" and "Gold Purifier". Then beat the game with at least the mallard rank

The general rule of thumb is to get as many coins as possible in as few cycles as possible. Every thousand points you get an "Artifact" and the game ends after you collect all 6 of them. As long as you obtain all the required items before you get the last artifact you should be good, it is possible to continue playing after collecting the crown but in most categories it is slower to do so. Longer Categories like Omnipotent and Olympian are the exceptions. -Tiny Shovel lv1 2500 lv2 3000 lv3 3500 -Tiny Wing lv1 3800 lv2 4100 lv3 4400 -Gold Purifier lv1 2700 lv2 3200 lv3 3700 -Smart Shovel lv1 2500 lv2 3000 lv3 3500

Estadísticas del juego
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Últimos hilos
Publicado 2 years ago
3 respuestas
Publicado 3 years ago
1 respuesta