Curiosity is rising
7 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Hello there,

i just started getting into speedrun stuff and i have some questions. First of all if i want to Speedrun this game do i need to use ePSXe 1.9 or is the latest version now also allowed or rather are the rules up to date?

Do i need to use the US version or is the EU version just fine? I always played the game in German but all of you seem to play it in English and the Health Bar of the enemys is dropping the other way around which confused me at first. The point is are there other framerates or faster text i don't kow and i can't find it xD. So yeah i would be happy if someone could help me with this and further questions which come up :D

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Hey, welcome! :)

Nice to see new people interested in the run! First of, please use ePSXe 1.9 and no other version! Otherwise your run might get rejected because the loading times differ a lot on the other emulator versions, also the newer ones.

About the game version, yes running the EU version would be allowed technically. However it's not recommended at all. Not only because the US version runs faster but also because the Counter Crest does not work with a 100% chance in the EU version. In the US version it does - means it counters every physical attack each time you get hit, no matter what. This is crucial to the run, so running the EU version would give you lots of trouble probably.

I hope you'll have fun with the game / speedrun. If you have any more questions feel free to ask right away. :)

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Thanks :D I was just watching your run xD Okay then I will train with these tools. Thats a huge difference with the crest quite shocking. Yeah i've got some, has anyone tried a magic damage oriented run with like Renamon? Or are physical attackers just that dominant? Why are you using 5 TP in the Gym if you could wait and use it as a 10TP? I mean won't you get higher stats? Would the Multi crest help during the run? Since with Guilmon you could get it quite fast. Thanks in Advance. :)

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Checking the 1st place run is always a good idea :D I don't think anyone has ever tried the magic route. At least not that I know of, so no clue how that might work out. But I honestly can't imagine it being more consistent than the physical attackers. However veeshadow is right now fiddling around with including the spirit stat in the route. Mainly to reduce magical damage we conceide from opponents in the late game. Yeah 10 TP is the better idea in general, however I want to spend all the TP at that point because I want to have as high speed as possible against MasterTyrannomon so that we get the double turn. The multi crest is a good item in general but it wouldn't be more useful than the Counter Crest. In the mid to end game we deal most of the damage just by countering. And since only one crest item can have it's effect active, we of course go with the counter crest. :)

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Well a lvl 6 Renamon with lvl4 Kyubimon gets one shot by Mastertyrannomon xD tried one time. Sounds interesting, will he publish his results? Makes sense to spend 5 TP for double turn ^^ Ok I didn't know that only one could be active :D

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

I guess this is a good opportunity to link to our "Digimon Speedrunning Community" on discord:

If you don't have discord, it might be worth a shot getting it. It offers text and voice chat and you can even use it in your browser without downloading stuff! We have a text channel for pretty much every Digimon game out there and the one for Digimon World 3 mainly consists of veeshadow giving updates of his routing or me telling everyone that I'm live with attempts :D

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Thanks I'll look into it :D

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