About 100%
7 years ago
Kentucky, USA

So I read on another forum that TheErgkjr (Mod) would only add a category of 100% if they received a run of the category, My question is for clarification on what exactly 100% is. Would 100% be just beat all 6 Playsets, Do every single thing an all 6 Playsets, or every single thing in the original 3? Obviously, it sounds more like the 2nd option would fall more under 100%, but the mods have the choice to clarify the rules for their game, so I'm asking what the real goal should be. Thank you

peck324 les gusta esto
California, USA

Its 100% on a set. For example 100% run on Clone Wars play set category, then there will be another 100% category for a different play set. Clone Wars is the most difficult for 100% cause of all the side missions. The easiest one is Inside Out cause its a scroll platform set.

Pennsylvania, USA

I thought with 100% on Inside Out would be to get all of the Mind Manual Pages, Popping all Balloons and Getting all the Idea Bulbs on every Level (I consider just bypassing everything Any% and NG+ with a Completed file just to avoid the Cutscenes and the Memory Matrix mini-games)

peck324 les gusta esto
California, USA

That's what it takes to get 100% on Inside out. Disney has a record for it at 1h:50m:23s. Tried it as when I worked at Disney and I lost by an hour.

Pennsylvania, USA

I didn't even know that Disney kept records of Infinity runs xD

Also, I will NEVER attempt 100% as it's just not fun and I wanna go fast :p

peck324 les gusta esto
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