A solid 80% of the runs currently are less than a minute long. The reason this is nerveracking is because if we continue to optimize those categories with less than a minute long runs, there will just be tiny runs on the leaderboards. Gemstone Parkour Any% is currently standing at a 2:57. Gemstone Parkour Any% has many chances for optimizations, and a pretty easy run to accomplish. The difficulty of the run is only in two segments, (those being Stacked Settlement and Magic Meadow) having a bit of hard jumps to make. It definitely has potential to be an amazing category, and the more players who try a run or two, the better it gets. It is also the only category currently with dedicated splits and a guide. This category has so much potential. Please don't waste it.
i agree with most of the point here but i think that the hardest parts are actually the first jump and a jump in the mines. The mines jump only saves a couple seconds but if you fail it you lose from 10 seconds to minutes. I think the more people who run this category, the more the time will get optimized and I think sub 2:50 may be possible.
That's fair, Magic Meadow isn't that hard, but Stacked Settlement has killed 50+ runs for me, and the first jump is also pretty hard, killing prob 25 of my runs. I have only failed the mines jump once. (i've failed HUB more times than that smh)
i don't actually do the mines jump in my run, as i wanted to get a sub 3 run on the leaderboards asap. regarding the stacked settlement jump, just practice it a few times on its own and you should get it down.