Is PC the only viable way to speedrun Defunct?
6 years ago
Missouri, USA

I notice there isn't a single xb1/ps4 run on the boards, so I'm curious if there's a huge disadvantage

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Hi. To be honest we have no idea how good/bad Defunct is on Console since nobody has come forward and run it. But the reasons a different one. You see Defunct was originally just released for PC and most of the runners started at that time. So tldr I can't tell you whether or not console is bad cause we as a community don't have experience with it. If you do try it feel free to join our discord and share yours :>

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Melwing17, ChakaZaluu, y Ikewolf les gusta esto
Västmanland, Sweden

As far as I know, the console versions are just equally good if you're looking to run Any%, AC, or Legacy. If you want to run any of the other categories you need to do it on PC. Plat% needs the autosplitter, and I believe 160cc isn't available at all on console.

Melwing17 les gusta esto
Missouri, USA

Very late reply but thanks for the answers guys.

Also the game is out on Switch fyi

Editado por el autor 5 years ago
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Publicado 5 years ago
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