OoB Tutorials
6 months ago

Hi guys I've been looking for any tutorials on how to do the OoB's glitches on chapter 2, 3 ect but to no avail. Is anyone able to provide one or link me to one already available.


Milwaukee, WI, USA

We have a google doc linked under the guides tab for glitches used in the unrestricted route. Not sure how up-to-date it is, but other mods are typically good at keeping it current.

United States

Not sure if this is known not sure if this is useful but you can clip threw the soft walls around the tram stations by running (I did this on PS5) not sure if im allowed to post links but i do have clips.

United States

@BattleMooseHat you're allowed to post links on the forums, but a better place to post your discoveries would be in the Dead Space speedrunning Discord community. Here is a link: https://discord.com/invite/BP8TrJ6

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