Separating Emulator and Official Hardware
8 years ago
United States

It's generally known that emulator is faster than official hardware. Runners should not be forced to use an emulator to compete against the top times. Any possibility of having them separated?

bluewiregaming les gusta esto

Depends which emulator but yeah I'd agree that they need to be separate. If you would like I can contact blue about this (the super mod) but enough people would have to want the change. Shouldn't be a big deal though

How did they do it? Via a tab for emulator or what?

(Oh derp..maybe I should just go check it out)


You're right that it's faster but is it even for gc games cause I left it that way cause I only know that when playing Wii games it's faster but for gc games I'm not sure?

New Jersey, USA
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

I'm pretty sure (don't quote me on this) that GC emulators are faster (by some degree) than an actual console.


Guys, I separated them and now Japan versions and emulator runs are separated from Non-emu and NTSC/Pal .Check them out and as you can see now there are some more categs and it's more untidy but that was necessary to separate the ones I separated as you wished.

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