Category names, strawpoll
8 years ago

id like to get the opinion of everyone on the matter. whatever the result is after a week (ends sunday june 5th), is going to be what we name the categories

Editado por el autor 8 years ago

Came back here. Still not liking your choice of category names but I'm not in charge. Just one question, what's the "Map jumping trick"? Isn't it just the debug menu function, and if so that's not a trick...

@mugg1991 yes, it's just the debug menu which basically is the same as using cheats and should not be called "trick" and not be used in a legit Any% category.

I mean you are literally accessing the debug mode with a special button combination ("At the 'Options' menu, highlight 'Text Speed', hold L + R + Up"). If you somehow managed to access the debug menu through ACE or a specific glitch then it would have been debatable for Any%. But this is simply using cheat codes to load maps.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago

Debug menus are "cheats" not "glitches". It would be the same thing as using the Konami Code, or any of the other button-input cheat codes in old games.

There is even an invincibility code in this game too Press this during the intro movie Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A

I'm not convinced having a cheats run even makes sense, but it's probably better labeled "Cheats" rather than "MJ".

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Kentucky, USA

As an outsider coming in, I have to agree that having a mode that allows debug is very silly. At the very least, it should not be the default category by any means.

Names more like Any% and Any% Debug make more sense. Furthermore, this would allow other debug features to be used too, as not allowing them makes no sense honestly.

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