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My first successful completion of the fabled Pacifist speedrun of diablo 2! Rules of this run can be located under the "Miscellaneous" section of the D2:LOD Speedrun board (Click "view rules!")
Before you ask about my splits - yes they keep going off whenever I rejoin the game at the start - I'm pretty sure that's because the autosplitter assumes that a player who has EXP of 0 must be a new character, so it starts the timer (which is the same hotkey as splitting). I fix it on the go :P
Lots to improve, start was kinda shaky. Still working on figuring out what the optimal /players settings are throughout the run. Lots of rips that could have been avoided. etc
Biggest things about this run compared to other pacifist speedruns done:
- I did not farm a whole lot for levels. I tried to gain EXP along the way to other objectives rather than farming Raka/Beetleburst/Serena/etc (I farm raka a bit to start, but that's it) I did not farm for a tele staff - You can get past the walls in act 5 with nova gear, and you lure some monsters to you. If you stick to the middle of the map, or the bottom right of maps that point top-right, you'll run into fewer doors, but it's not guaranteed.
- The above point also means that I did not require being level 24 to complete the run
- I did not farm tower for runes - I did it once for the exp, and if you get the lucky TalEth drop, bonus! I did not, unfortunately
I encourage exploration of ideas that could possibly benefit these runs! If you have an idea or comment or suggestion, let me know!
# | Nombre | División | Terminado en |
1 | Skulls | 8m 03s 835ms | 8m 03s 835ms |
2 | Level 6 | 11m 34s 271ms | 19m 38s 107ms |
3 | Andariel Oro | 26m 44s 762ms | 46m 22s 869ms |
4 | Duriel | 48m 49s 895ms | 1h 35m 12s 764ms |
5 | Mephisto Oro | 23m 56s 613ms | 1h 59m 09s 378ms |
6 | Lord de Seis Oro | 39m 31s 180ms | 2h 38m 40s 558ms |
7 | Diablo Oro | 8m 55s 286ms | 2h 47m 35s 845ms |
8 | Ancients Oro | 38m 27s 471ms | 3h 26m 03s 316ms |
9 | Baal Oro | 16m 15s 729ms | 3h 42m 19s 046ms |