The last minute barrier for this route! This is about a minute and a half faster than my run from last year, much of it due to the new tower skip.
The wind cave was just okay and the level 5 and level 6 grind were really bad, but the rest of the run went fantastic. Lots of minor mistakes, but that is to be expected in a 50+ minute run. Very few big errors, very few situations that were heavy bad RNG.
My consistency improved quite a bit grinding this year. I got several 53:xx paces, to the point where it's nearly confirmed if I make it out of the wind cave.
Despite the bad start, I'm pretty happy with this run. I'd like to have one with no major errors AND good RNG, but with Draygon being so swingy it doesn't make sense to reset for perfect paces just to lose it at the end.
52:3x is next on the table if I return to this, but it'd require no errors and good RNG the entire game.