Played on Snes9x 1.60. Could be 15:09 if we started split early. A reset at around the 0:15 mark. Main title screen/options are shown.
Full transparency-for some reason, it showed "saved?" We reset twice, just to be safe-the Konami logo is seen for a bit on the first reset, but in full, on the second reset. For continuity sake, we have linked our previous PB-16:28 which can be found below.
This was done a good, good while ago, but we've been lazy about organizing our recordings, but it's good to be back on track on things.
16:28 run (previous PB which shows the ending)
Thanks to the mods for taking the time to verify runs
Mod Note: Start Time 34.417, End Time: 15:43.5, Frame Rate: 60, Time: 15:09.083
We have decided to split the leaderboards into "original version" and "anniversary collection". Anniversary collection is very different (way Faster) and therefore not comparable with the other allowed systems/emulators. The Anniversary Collection however is an official release and it is also good,