New Categories
3 years ago

From this point officially, CoD 1 and UO runs will be splitted in NG and NG+. NG means that no fadeskipping at all is allowed, NG+ category allows it. Fadeskipping is a strat that involves loading a prepared-before-run save using loadgame_restart command or Restart Level button in the game menu. This allows to manipulate NPCs RNG and starting weapons. Fadeskips stay as a very controversial strat, decision might not be final, who knows?

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
Klooger, SerenityJayne y 2 otros les gusta esto

Feel free to write here about this decision!

SuperFull y BOZAK_115 les gusta esto

I have an idea about the medium difficulty levels? We have any% (easy) and veteran% (veteran). What about medium and hard. Рядовой и сложный

BOZAK_115 les gusta esto

@alex2007 I'll add them if someone does a run on that difficulties

BOZAK_115 les gusta esto

UPD: as of 26/12/2021 NG and NG+ are made from sub-category into a variable as a compromise decision and keeping the board's integrity

SerenityJayne, Zaiydo, y BOZAK_115 les gusta esto

Does something like noHit run is interesting ? That would be a huge achievement


I can try this! But I think I will sometimes make pauses, cause have no time)


noHIT is just like no damage?


Yes, not taking damage. I've tried for like 3 hours, and i've successfully done the first four level in glitchless + no oob + veteran + no hit. but the fith level seems really harder. I think the game can be done in no hit, but obviously, that won't be a run that will be done in a week. I'll soon post a record on veteran no oob, then after this i'll try the no hit run.

Of course by no hit I mean, if you take a hit, you restart the game from the beginng :)

Good luck :)

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
United States

No hits are more of challenge runs and arent really accepted on leaderboards anywhere, (see dark souls no hit/ 1 shot bosses as examples.) So if someone were to accomplish this it wouldn't be added onto the boards, just a flex they can post and people can see.


Ok i see, there's no time so not really a speedrun. Well thanks for this precision


UPD: As of 14/07/2024, NG and NG+ runs have been moved from a variable to a category again. NG has been made the default board. This was done much to account for weird status and nature of the fadeskipping mechanic. We continue to search for the best solution of the problem.

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