Just curious, how well does this run on 360?
7 years ago

Hi. I've played the n64 version of the game (via an emulator) and liked it a lot. However picking up the equipment necessary for that is pretty expensive and all. I already have a 360 and this game goes for about $50 so playing this on 360 is the most cost effective. On youtube, gameplay of this looks pretty fine and dandy with the exception of a few problems here and there...nothing game breaking.

According to the compatibility wiki for Xbox games on 360 these are the problems with this game: " - There are no loading screens.

  • Some smoke, dirt, and dust effects are colored differently.
  • The pause menu during a multiplayer game operates slower.
  • Intro movies may skip and stutter.
  • Console may freeze and/or reset by itself.
  • Sound sometimes cuts in and out.
  • When saved the game in an Area, Loading the save file can freeze the console. However, This is only an issue for certain levels.
  • The level on the boards is impassable - opponents do not appear."

Most of it sounds bearable to me; the thing I'm worried about is the "Console may freeze and/or reset by itself" thing. So does this crash often enough to affect a run?

No rush on the reply; this is all a future purchase thing. I might eventually have to bite the bullet and get an original Xbox as I wanna play other stuff like Blinx and JSRF (but ya know, with out it running horribly). Thanks in advance...

Connecticut, USA
Super moderadorArbliterator
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

It seems to vary a bit from console to console, however in my experience with my 360 slim it was nearly impossible to run as it would crash way too often (several times during my first couple runs iirc) and the loading zones were really slow on top of that. Feel free to try as your 360 might work better than mine but I'd highly recommend getting an original xbox if you ever plan to take the game more seriously.

Ind​ianapolis, IN, USA

Hello, so i bought the game for my xbox 360 and got a 250 hard drive. I finally get it all and the game frezzes at the loading just after xbox sign. Is there a way to fix this? If so how?

Connecticut, USA
Super moderadorArbliterator
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Is it an official Xbox 360 hard drive? If not, try using one of those first if you can. Otherwise I can only recommend playing on the Xbox One (or Series X) console instead, if possible. It's far more stable and a much better playing / running experience.

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
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