where is low%?

ik its not that different from any%, but it still feels weird that it doesnt exist.


if low% is not get berries,it would be less than 40~ seconds slower than any%, there is no reason to add that

ClayWeathers les gusta esto

@koma typically it means things like minimum dashes or grabs. https://www.speedrun.com/celeste_category_extensions

the category extension boards have grabless, but due to the high difficulty of minimum dashes it isn't a category yet - that and lack of interest

koma les gusta esto
United States

Short answer is lack of interest/runs; categories won't get added to the boards unless there is active interest. For a bit more detail, "low%" can mean several different things. If low% is defined as no collectibles, then you're just running any% with very small variations, which doesn't warrant another leaderboard. If low% is defined as minimum usage of x movement technique, things get complicated. As Cursed said, grabless is on category extensions, and minimum dashes/jumps/ground jumps/etc do exist in theory and have been TASed, but RTA speedruns of those categories are extremely problematic. For one, if a new dash or jump is saved anywhere in the run, then all previous runs would be invalidated, resulting in random leaderboard wipes that would be a giant headache for the mods and verifiers. Also, many dash/jump saves that are humanly possible are extremely precise and/or inconsistent, but they would have to be included in a low% run, making the category more frustrating than fun. Some random ILs have been run RTA with various restrictions, but because of the factors listed above there isn't a board.

palafrost y koma les gusta esto
Västra Götaland, Sweden

I agree that Low% doesn't make a whole lot of sense for Celeste. However, new skips doesn't have to invalidate previous runs for Low% categories. It'd make more sense to order Low% leaderboards first by the number of items collected, then by time. Not sure if speedrun.com has a good way of tracking that though.

6oliath les gusta esto
Minnesota, USA

There’s a way to sort the leaderboard like that, it’s just kind of a pain to setup iirc. Subcategories exist as well which would potentially be easier but I’m not sure. Regardless, the fact that it wont get added makes discussing this feature mostly pointless.

Madrid, Spain

And low% can be about the usage of objects, like crystals, bubbles, moving plattaforms, etc, this can be difficult to track, but for example low% of crystals could be a viable category

Colorado, USA

I'm still losing it over the original post. He answers his own question.

rb_astronomy, Eddiemate y 2 otros les gusta esto
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