Dispute on RaidenDX run
7 years ago
California, USA

In the submission it is stated that an SSD replaced the HDD on the PS3. This is a hardware modification and should not be allowed.

MASH les gusta esto
Ontario, Canada

I do agree that tampering with the console as such should not be allowed. Generally any sorta modding or tools being used outside the game would not be allowed. It may have been something the other mod over looked on the submission for the recent one for sure. But this does not help with the past runs either since now there is no proof that they were also not done on the modified hardware. Since it does have obvious gains it should not be allowed to be ranked with the rest of the runs. This is my stance on this, but hopefully we can come to a resolution to this.

Tokyo, Japan

As for this run, just in case I've gotten confirmation from Keyn Naka beforehand on the condition I write that situation in the notes. The replacement of HDD can be easily set up with tightening and loosening a screw, and SONY's warranty for repairing isn't voided by that. I think 'tampering' is exaggerated expression though, If PS3 Hard Drive replacement isn't allowed on Speedrun.com I don't care that the permission for this full-game run is revoked. If there's a next run, I revert it back to the 5400rpm HDD. I'm sorry for confusing you. thanks.

Ontario, Canada

As soon as you open up the console to remove or add third party or non-official modifications its voided. But the real reason behind why Hardware mods on consoles is not allowed in the broad general sense is because it changes the baseline comparison for consoles. Anything that directly gives an advantage like that is not generally allowed in a leader-board sense. KeynNaka only just recently mentioned about the conversation that took place a few days ago today, else we would not be having such a discussion about the particular case. It's not exaggerated by calling a non-official modification or clear advantage to the baseline as tampering. I do respect that you did indicate it with the submission tho at the very least.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Tokyo, Japan

OK now I understand. Changing HDD to an SSD permits to shorten the time of full-game speedrun but it's certainly related to the baseline comparison. Anyway I'll follow the rule once it's been decided.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I verified the run, and didn't notice that, apologies. I don't have a hard stance on this. If the player isn't cheating, then I think it's fine, but I have no method of proving one way or the other. I usually go with the honor system on stuff like this. I'm fine with whatever is decided here. I don't run the game anymore so I am way out of the loop here. I did watch the run, and it seemed legit to the naked eye.

Tokyo, Japan

I researched about the replacement HDD on PlayStation.com. At least It's not voided in Japan unless the changing HDD is a direct source of trouble. Actually, they actively explain the way to replace HDD by consumers in playstation support. It's no problem as long as the HDD is in conformity to the certain standards. https://support.us.playstation.com/articles/en_US/KC_Article/Upgrade-the-PS3-Hard-Disk-Drive-HDD Besides, they mentioned the replacement to an SSD about PS4 pro in japanese support and they say the reading time of save and load improves. https://support.jp.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13310 It's legal and whoever is able to do this but I'm afraid I didn't know the replacement HDD isn't general on Speedrun. I also understand there's a baseline comparison problem and I'll abide by decision.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
California, USA

Copy and pasted from Discord for simplicity:

"as a flat statement, I am against software and hardware modification using anything other than 1st party hardware or patching. The strength of consoles is to have a baseline hardware to compare runs against. By modifying the console, it inherently changes the means to compare.

I also disagree with splitting the categories to account for this. I consider this the exact same thing as using a macro enabled controller. The only possible 3rd party items should be controllers, and even then, only to make a game more comfortable to play, not to give a direct advantage based on input device.

I do not think this was done maliciously since it was announced in comments and thus I do not feel a banning or complete wipe of Raiden's times is merited."

I would extend the allowed 3rd party items to include cables and capture modifications (modding NES to output RGB for example) as long as they do not impact the baseline system performance. I think an appropriate solution is to roll back RaidenDX's time to their last submission before this one.

MASH les gusta esto
Tokyo, Japan

I'd like to accept the solution if it's alright with you. I agree it should be adopted the way that makes a baseline even. I've submitted the run without thinking so much about this point and I apologize for it. I appreciate your tolerant measures.

Turbodog702 y MASH les gusta esto
Ontario, Canada

@raidenDX based on this matter the roll back seems to be the best solution and altering your hardware does change console runs baseline strengths with runs. Modifying the boards to allow third party modifications that impact the systems general performance and/or the games is something i can agree with is not generally okay in pretty much any leaderboard.

Previous submissions prior will remain as is in the knowing they were on original hardware before the most recent submission. I strongly encourage that you may join the discord as well and possible get into coop stuff or just be more in touch with everyone in general.

If there is any questions left pertaining to this feel free to discuss this but a board division based on un-supported and third party modifications and or hardware is now going to be a thing we will need to be aware of, we do at least appreciate the honesty with noteing it in the submission.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
raidenDX les gusta esto
Nevada, USA

Sorry to resurrect a dead thread, but I believe that the recent announcements of PlayStation 5 hardware coming standard with an SSD and being backwards compatible with games that played on Sony hardware previously (with this game being a potential candidate), that it could be worth looking at this discussion again with that in mind.

Until then, recommending that people purposely play on outdated hardware is going to ensure that people like me will wait for the new hardware to come out before making the big commitment.

Ontario, Canada

@TheSiege Your assuming that CVHD will even be on PS5 which its not even really available on PS4 aside from psnow which is even worse performance then ps3 is. also the discussion was about modifying console hardware unofficially or modding for advantage which ruins the baseline for competitive leaderboards.

The game was recently made backwards compatible on XboxOne if you'd like to play it on better hardware officially. So no I don't think its worth looking at again currently or even if what you said mattered. Use official hardware and do the runs on that rather then tamper/cheat an advantage. This is generally a rule that the large majority of communities follow.

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