Proposal for Loosening Up the Rules!
Proposal for Loosening Up the Rules!
Publicado 1 year ago por

Hey Speedrunners !

So the leaderboard mod team rejects a lot of runs since the October 2022 rule changes. I really don't enjoy rejecting runs that would have been good in the previous set of rules, or ones that are just "technically" not following the rules. I think the reject rate actually hurts the community more than it helps. Sure, it means that the runs are more "fair", but it also puts newcommers off and makes it quite daunting to submit a run due to the large amount of requirements. This isn't about the "bans" listed in the "Game Rules", but the "General" rules that comprise the mandatory submission criteria.

So I have a proposal to try and make things easier. I know it runs a little bit counter to what the community has asked for, but I want to loosen things up so that if people forget to show their settings specifically. I want to add a new variable to indicate whether the Settings were shown or not. What this would do is allow unrestricted FPS and Keybindings on the leaderboard at the cost of having a label that essentially says the run may be using settings that give an "unfair" advantage. I don't want to create a new subcategory either, I just want these runs to be labelled. If it would please the community, we can hide these runs by default, but this would let us mods allow more runs on the leaderboards than what we're currently doing.

Note: this only affects PC runs, since console doesn't have this issue.


Add a new label to indicate whether Settings were shown for verification? The label will be decided in another poll

A - Yes, I want to allow runs with potentially unrestricted FPS and Keybindings but they must be labelled B - Yes, allow the runs but they must be hidden by default, only visible if selected by filter C - No, keep rejecting runs that don't show settings, even if the rest of the run is good or has an FPS counter

I am also interested in allowing runs without video proof. How I would want this to work is to have a minimum number of runs on a particular leaderboard. So if you are submitting the first run for a character on a specific difficulty, you would need to submit a video. However, if there are, lets say, 5 runs on that leaderboard, you can submit a screenshot of the Victory screen hosted on imgur, or google drive so long as your time is not faster than any of the top 5 runs.


Allow submissions with no video proof? Specific criteria will be decided in another poll

A - Yes B - No

Please go vote at the discord:

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Hello Speedrunners,

Today I'm announcing my stepping down from the role of Super Mod for the leaderboards. I've been with this community since the very beginning, and it got me through some tough times during COVID lockdowns. I want to give special thanks to the OG mod team, @MacND, @Ikxi, @HUECTRU

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