some new changes i would like to make to this board
4 years ago
United States

i've recenetly had trouble retiming runs with many games i moderate due to unspecific rules, bad timing methods, etc... so i've going around to game a-b-c strengthening timing methods to make the leaderboards better. the timing methods i want to change because its unspecific, specifically the start and end which is "Timer must begin as 'Skip Instructions' is clicked" well its really hard to tell when the 'Skip Instricutions' is clicked and i think a new timing method thats better is "Timer must begin as the levels blocks become fully connected" i think thats alot better and will cause alot less confusions from times

secondly the ending "and end on completion of level 10." thats also very unspecific, i think the new rule should be "timing ends when the block character is fully invisible after completion"

a couple of other things im gonna change is for levels 1-10 only sub 2 min's are gonna have ms, 1-20 only sub 6's will have ms and 1-33 only sub 16 min's will have ms unless there's a tie

the new timing rules these rules i feel should be applied to all 3 categories to end confusion and make more accurate times

edit: these changes to the rules will be made

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness les gusta esto
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

sounds like very awesome method of timing

afnannen136 les gusta esto
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