Possible bug?
5 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

I've been doing some bug hunting, lately. While I've found a whole bunch, none of it seemed to be useful. However, I was doing a no resent run to learn how to play with mouse and keyboard and I somehow caused the giant ball from the diner to disappear?

I'm not sure what caused it to happen or how to reproduce it. I'll explore it myself but I'm just putting it out there. There might be a way to end Act 1: The Mechanic much safer and reliable instead of hoping that the ball doesn't block the door or kill us on the run back to the motel.


Also, all the other bugs I've found so far:

Objects, such as chairs, clip through stairs and sometimes floors In the observatory, Alan can float on air and can run in place. Once he does, however, he'll start sinking and it's difficult to escape.

If you're on a guard rail and open an ammo box, Alan will go into his falling animation and float in front of the box.

Part of Alan's model can clip into the wall of the observatory but I haven't found a way to see if he can completely clip through it. (might be worth exploring)

Running into a chair in a certain way will cause damage. Some Alan Wake runners use this as a boost in the original Alan Wake. (super risky) Might be possible to reproduce in American Nightmare.

Some objects, like gates, make door sound effects. Might not be a bug, they might simply be coded as doors.

Unhooking headphones while in the observatory will trap you inside causing you to restart from checkpoint. Doing it in any level will prevent you from finishing the level until you restart from checkpoint.

Alan can climb much more cliff surfaces than just the ones outside the observatory if done at a proper angle. However, there are a lot of invisible walls put in that seem to make it not worthwhile.

Not a glitch but when you get the piece for the telescope during "Act II: Progress", there's a check point near the corner of the left gate. Not sure why.

There are some invisible walls that don't make sense on why they would be there. Such as underneath the yellow light in the observatory on the right-side stair case.

Motel door frames are climbable, Alan partially clips through. https://imgur.com/gallery/uNrez5R

Edit: there's one on the opposite side of the telescope as well. However, none near the center. This might be due to enemy spawn areas. If true, there might be more underneath the ammo box area and directly underneath the telescope lift. Live trial needed. If true, we can better predict enemy spawn patterns.

I'll leave anymore finds in this thread and see if there's a way to reproduce the ball glitch for future runners.

Editado por el autor 5 years ago
California, USA

Was any headway made on the ball despawn?

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