took me several retries back when I did it, since level timing is aparently very inconsistent in this case and probably its the same on Consolidate If you want WR you'll have to retry the level until you get it
yeah i always thought that the more health you have the faster it is but now i don't even know
well the thing about points in both of the levels that are in that mode is that they are consistent, if you never you're always going to be 1:02 and 3:03, its just that the timer only stops after the slow motion and that apparently makes difference, or at least thats what I think happens
Hello again! After 4 months of inactivity im back! To get the world record I went ahead and used small tricks such as gonig into areas with less objects (the top right) and then staring into the wall. I am not sure if that helps and it still took me many tries but hey I got it in the end soooooo yeah. Good luck!