Adding the official Showcase Missions
2 years ago
Thuringia, Germany

Hello, i wonder if it would make sense to add all the showcase missions. There are quite a lot of them (28 to be exact) and i think they should not be left out.



RaggedDan les gusta esto

crucial Arma speed contest.

Editado por el autor 8 months ago
Glamorganshire, Wales

I'll look into all of these this weekend, my apologies that this hasn't been acted on, I took over from the previous moderators a few months ago and didn't scrutinise the leaderboard for gaps in the game.

Ludwigsfeld y Mcataclysm les gusta esto
Glamorganshire, Wales

So obviously the Showcase missions are missing from the board, everything default and with the DLC, what concerns me more than that about the state of the Level Leaderboard, as fitting with the site structure, is how the previous moderator set it up to have global categories which don't apply to everything, such as bonus targets, creating hundreds of null and void categories; everyone has just been submitting to categories which don't make a lot of sense beyond the first line (like the training mission or kart track itself).

Part of me wants to do a complete overhaul, make all of these into variables rather than proper subcategories and fix the board. Still, it'd be a huge effort and right now I'm busy enough that I'll stick to just adding the showcases in so runs can be submitted to those when people want to, then I can think about a reformat more carefully.

By the way, I did notice these problems when I started, it was part of the reason I offered to take over, the scale of the issues the board has just hasn't been clear to me until now. Anyway, expect the showcases added very soon :)

Editado por el autor 9 months ago
Nekyia, Mcataclysm, y Ludwigsfeld les gusta esto

here is all missions with some thoughts about just in case you found it useful.

#1 - Infantry. *personal best time 7:01sec :) (i considered this as my at best damn)

#2 - SCUBA. (just use AA rockets for disarming mines and save about 5 min,realize that recently too be honest)

#3 - Vehicles. *good for speed running. my personal time above 10 (it can go below 5 for sure)

#4 - Helicopters. (possible below 10)

#5 - Combined Arms.

#6 - Commanding. (possible below 10)

#7 - Night. *good for speed running. about 17min (i dont think it can be done bellow 10 would like to see that run,boat ride take so much time lame for run coze of that fact)

#8 - Supports.

#9 - Tanks.

#10 - Armed Assault.

#11 - Drones. *good for speed running. (possible below 10)

#12 - Gunships.

#13 - NATO, #14 - CSAT, #15 - AAF. *didn't play this couple of missions long time can not tell is it compatible with speed running!

#16 - Fixed-Wings.

#17 - Zeus. *non compatible with speed running i think!

#18 - Sling Loading.

#19 - Firing From Vehicles.

#20 - Marksman. *good for speed running.

#21 - End Game. *good for speed running. (but too long video will try runs bellow 8min possible only)

#22 - VTOL. *CSAT Infantry transportation jet! (very nasty to achieve with bonus targets you have to leave AO to do that!)

#23 - Fighter Jets.

#24 - IDAP. *no info

#25 - Laws of War. VR missions split in three category and optional mission inside VR tent or you can just leave tent after the speech and achieve final screen with mission complete(less than 3)! maybe this one should be excluded from speed run,or it should not be approved by leaving tent for contest!

#26 - Tank Destroyers. *no info

-- time should be considered from the end screen of mission accomplishment where it gives you info about overall score,enemy Killed,friendly casualties and time past to achieve goal (should be taken as crucial time for leaderboard) it provide evidence for time achieved should be recorded and written in one of the rules by my opinion to run be approved!

-- note for people who dont want to bother with easy difficulty there should be some categorization for example i use realistic custom diff. no third person view no extra protection no any kind of content on map or tactical ping, minimal hud ,AI skill set is set to 1.0 and precision to 0.85 my run for example should not be in category with someone with custom difficulty to every of this enabled (maybe forgot something) it should be categorized separately some set of rules should be defined in runs!

i can provide you information for every mission individually if you tell me how you will try to categorize them to save you some time in process if you are not familiar with the missions! Hope we soon can post some runs in this category.:/\ cheers

Editado por el autor 7 months ago
RaggedDan les gusta esto
Glamorganshire, Wales

(Sorry for the long post, want to respond to everything and clarify additions).

In regards to the time consideration, the final scoreboard is what's used already wherever possible, and as these don't have IGT (but we do have load removal thanks to @PunishedAlexander ) that'll work fine :). All of the Mission Complete with scoreboard logos are good, where applicable. The problem with different difficulty customisation is a much bigger issue that I'll try and write down: It isn't always faster to do one difficulty set, and the board shouldn't be forced to accomodate everyone playing with their own settings, as fun as that may be, it will inevitably reduce the number of runners but Banzaj did add in the option to play with Veteran or Custom difficulty as a global subcategory, as far as I can see there's nothing too wrong with that for most of the categories despite the fact that it's frustrating for seasoned players with their own sets of configs, like yourself.

Whilst I'm not familiar with a few of these I don't think they will need much information to be written down alongside them, but thanks for pointing out which ones you don't feel are sensible to speedrun. They might need variable-based subcategories if there's anything which might make the game interesting to run in two different ways, like the bonus targets category, which is interesting, but having subcategories for small changes to the game settings, or a change that makes it longer without improving/changing the category, doesn't make much sense.

In terms of the Laws of War showcase, I don't see the point in including a speedrun for the general purpose walking around the tent, but I have added one for each of the three missions and another one for completing all three back to back - I can easily convert this to one level with four variables soon though, just want the categories made. In terms of other showcases not ideal for speedrunning, as far as I remember they're all possible to speedrun (read below) and worth adding in, as limited as some of them might be like the IDAP demo lol. However I will play the faction missions, Zeus, and a couple of others and then revise the categories once I've got a better picture. Slightly like yourself I either haven't played some or haven't since I bought the game.

As far as I remember, and from a quick rerun, Cultural Property is speedrunnable, but the gallery obviously isn't so I'll add the former in and leave out the latter.

Finally, on top of all of this, the subcategories are still a mess, I want to make the Bonus Targets variable specific to JUST the fire training drills as they should be, rather than everything, which will tidy up the rules, this change is finnicky to make so I will approach it after recieving feedback on the showcase additions. And finally finally, I think it would be best if I removed time acceleration as a variable altogether on the level leaderboard, and kept it on the bigger main leaderboard for full campaigns, where it does make sense to use it to cut out dull segments and make huge runs brief. This comes back to what you were saying about categorisations for each of the categories, they can easily have their own variables, it's just something that needs to be done case by case, along with the difficulty issue you've raised once again.

Please do respond with any further comments or questions! By the way you're welcome to write about this on the Discord too, it's extremely quiet but still easier to have a real-time discussion than with forums I suppose.

Nekyia y Mcataclysm les gusta esto

First of all nice job,i love to see finally those missions ready to be consumed,will try with my post to point few things and share my thoughts in random order as it cross my mind,before i actually apply some runs in future. About difficulty custom and veteran categorization are ok (only difference is skill and prec. of AI in my personal settings 1.0 and 0.85 and default veteran is 0.8 and prec. 0.7 in means of flanking finding targets, etc.,precision its pretty clear). About time speed acc. subcategory is totally unnecessary on my opinion especially in showcases missions. (dont have key bind in control options for those two,never used). Time to consider start should be when you gain control over your character until flicker screen appears after completion if i get it right.? And final question bonus targets i can post you entire list by mission order what me personal consider as bonus targets,mission by mission? For example in #1 - Infantry,bonus should be consider that your team dont suffer any casualties pretty simple (even if you are not top in chain command,also just to mansion in one mission you are part of the team as mission continue and in next objective you are commanding a group to clear AT defenses,here casualties should be consider people that you lost under your command), the best way to see your casualties is final board where it show how many enemy's you killed and score for that mission (on my opinion this should be consider too,to be recorded as one of the rules,when applying for leaderboard,any casualties should not be consider as bonus achieved in that run) but there is more complex bonus targets than this examples,maybe mission VTOL where you have to destroy x2 AMV armored vehicles and still stay on the main objective not the best example but still bonus target ,maybe there should be list how to achieve full bonus for people who look that kind of staff who likes to squeeze the s*** out of mission like myself,described what needs to be achieved so the run can be considered as bonus accomplished run and people be familiar what it req. to not be rejected (lot staff to cover about bonus missions)! As discord concern i can track it if i have invitation,but still prefer posting on forums like this coze i think mostly people will find it useful here as it concern specifically certain type of subject especially as title say most of the time.

RaggedDan les gusta esto
Glamorganshire, Wales

That's true, all new runners can see these discussions if we keep posting updates here I guess, rather than the dwindling discord community.

Mcataclysm les gusta esto
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Hi there!

I'm Dan, frequent speedrunners of this game won't have heard of me because I've only done a couple of Arma runs before ':D, if you're on the Discord server, you'll likely know that 23Banzaj is resigning from (most if not all of) their sr.c mod positions, and I've offered to take up Arma 3

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