Request guide/tuto
2 months ago
Cumbria, England

Played the game as a kid, so quite familiar with it, but would love a tuto that expands on routing options, safeties, potential hazards/solves etc :)

Basse-Normandie, France

That's a while since I run the game, like Fernwright.

You should watch our both speedrun, quite similars. Fernwright added some new techniques with some falls : taking damage to save time.

Bosses could be optimised with the good weapons (not a lot a research were done). Only the last Boss must be killed in the air to end the game (if not the Boss will go to a corner waiting on the ground).

This speedrun is not difficult, easy to learn.

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Publicado 2 months ago
1 respuesta
Publicado 2 years ago
2 respuestas