I made a first ever TAS of AirXonix, it can be optimized but I was just lazy... I'm dealing with issues with the tools I am using (PCEM + LibTAS), which are flicker on vsync turned on and desync in inputs... I encoded the video in default options and just made it bigger in premiere pro, so you can see it in 60fps, since it was played in 640x480. Should I even TAS itemless? Since in this TAS I've not collected any powerups, and the RNG was random. I like the idea of itemless, but there are just good powerups like acceleration and slow which are essential in completing the game faster, I just don't know if I should make 2 separate tasses, for all difficulties, itemless and normally.
nice, gz! is it possible to rng manip? would be fun to see a further optimized TAS. with easy diff itemless might the only option after more optimization, i assume it would be possible to finish all stages before any items even appear
I doubt it, finishing all stages before items spawn, RNG manipulation is definitely possible, but first of all,I need to fix the vsync problem.
Would you be interested to make a TAS perhaps trough chrome remote desktop or any desk or something similar? I feel like you can help me make the fastest TAS ever, I can't do It all alone :(
Answer here or on discord.